  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李丁讚


1990年代台灣各地掀起社區總體營造的浪潮,在這波以地方為名的家鄉改造運動中,桃園縣大溪鎮的和平路保存運動被視為當代的文史保存模式典範,其以大溪之寶、自立更換店招等行動擾動了民間社會、為地方注入了以「文化」為基礎的社會發展條件,然而在觀光治理與文化治理的策略主導,以及現代化與全球化的外部力量限制下,地方社會的文化實踐與發展是處在「發展主義及文化保存」之間的辯證關係。換言之,地方文化並非彈性且任意的社會實踐資源,因為它一面以「觀光化」為策略來尋求自己的生存空間,這過程往往會同時引進資本主義的市場化與同質化力量來侵蝕自身。另方面,它的保存與行動所依賴的「文化化」過程往往是在政府社造資源或文化資產保存論述下架構而成,由此生成的文化論述是「特殊化」的範疇型態,未能關注在地生活的豐富性。 我們認為,上述是大溪鎮近十多年所經歷的地方衝擊,在此衝擊下,「地方」正逐漸分殊化為文化、觀光與在地生活三大區塊,而未來大溪鎮的地方發展勢必得在這三大區塊間相互挪用、交錯辯證,從中尋找抵禦現代化及全球化的力量。


Taiwan set off around the wave of community development , in order to place the name of this wave of reform movement in his hometown , Heping Road, Dasi Township , Taoyuan County preservation movement is regarded as a model of contemporary cultural and historical preservation mode , which in Dasi treasure , self-reliance replacement of shop signs and other actions disturbed the civil society, local injection of a " culture" based social development conditions , but under the dominant strategy in tourism governance and culture of governance , as well as external forces of modernization and globalization restrictions , local community cultural practices and development is in the dialectical relationship " doctrine development and cultural preservation ." between . In other words , the local culture is not flexible and practical resources in any society , because it is one side of a " tourist-oriented " as a strategy to seek their own living space , this process tends to simultaneously introduce market forces and homogeneity to the erosion of capitalism itself. On the other hand , " culture of " process and its preservation is often dependent on the actions made ​​in the structure of government resources or cultural preservation community building discourse assets , thereby generating cultural discourse is " specialized " category type, not can pay attention to the richness of life . We believe that the above is a big town where the past decade have experienced the impact of this shock, the "place" is gradually Fenshu as culture, tourism and living in the land of the three blocks of the future Dasi misappropriation of local development is bound to have each other between these three blocks, staggered dialectical and find the strength to resist modernization and globalization.




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