  • 學位論文

Three Essays on Economics of Education


指導教授 : 林世昌


三篇教育經濟相關之研究 論文摘要 本研究涵蓋台灣三個教育經濟的實證議題:『本國籍子女與外國籍配偶子女學習成就的探討:以台灣為例』;『性別差異對於體重與學習成就之研究:以台灣青少年為例』與『不同入學管道對於經濟系學生學習成就之影響:以清大經濟系為例』。以下為各篇摘要。 第一篇『本國籍子女與外國籍配偶子女學習成就的探討:以台灣為例』 近年來由於外籍配偶的大量增加,使得外籍配偶子女也跟著大幅增長,由於外籍配偶語言與文化上的差異,以及一般而言家庭社經地位相對較低的情況下,使得其下一代,也就是我們所稱之──新台灣之子是否表現較差的議題受到關心。本文利用『臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫』,在控制個人基本特質與家庭社經地位後,這群新台灣之子在學業成績表現依舊較台灣籍配偶子女差。此外,在國文、英文、數學、社會與自然五個科目中,以國文、數學與英文三科表現相對較差。 研究中更進一步將外國籍配偶區分為東南亞籍與大陸籍,研究結果發現,東南亞籍配偶子女成績表現較差,此一原因可能為大陸籍配偶相較於東南亞籍配偶,在語言溝通上有其優勢,進而影響其子女的成績表現。其次,若是比較小學四年級與六年級,則發現年級愈高,新台灣之子表現相較於台灣籍配偶子女差異愈小,此一現象可能與新台灣之子逐漸適應學習環境有關。研究中更建議政府、學校應該對東南亞籍配偶,尤其是低年級的學生,提供更多課業上的協助與輔導。 第二篇『性別差異對於體重與學習成就之研究:以台灣青少年為例』 本文利用TEPS資料庫分析學生的體重(BMI)對於其學習成就之影響,本文將體重分為過重、過輕與適中三種類別,首先利用迴歸模型進行分析,其結果顯示體重類別與成績的關聯性不顯著,然而由於模型存在內生性問題(endogeneity problem),迴歸分析的結果可能有所偏誤。故本文利用propensity score matching的方法以解決內生性問題,其結果顯示過重與過輕的學生,其學習表現皆較體重適中的學生差。此外,在性別差異方面,男生過重與過輕皆會對其學習表現有負面的影響,且過輕的負面影響較大;但女生則有相反的結果,女生過重對其成績會有較大的負面影響,但過輕則負面影響不顯著。此一結果提供政府與學校面對體重影響成績的議題時,對於男女學生可能需要採取不同的策略以達到其政策效果。 第三篇『不同入學管道對於經濟系學生學習成就之影響:以清大經濟系為例』 多元入學自1994年施行後,對於此一政策是否達到當初預期的效果看法分歧,本文使用國立清華大學經濟系歷年資料,分析多元入學方案實施後,兩種入學管道(推薦甄選與考試分發)的學生在經濟系學科成績的表現差異,其結果顯示在經濟系核心科目(經濟學原理、總體經濟與個體經濟)上,透過推薦甄選管道入學的學生表現較佳,然而,在高年級選修科目(計量經濟、貨幣銀行與公共經濟)上,則兩群學生表現差異不顯著,此一結果可能是因為兩種管道學生互相學習影響,造成高年級之後的成績表現相似。此外,研究更發現學測考試中,英文、數學與社會三科成績高低對於學生未來在經濟系表現有顯著影響。對於其他科系,是否存在此一效果,為後續研究的議題。 關鍵字:學習成就;移民;外籍配偶;過重;過輕;身體質量指數;傾向分數配對;入學管道;國立清華大學。


This dissertation aims to deal with three issues on education of economics in Taiwan: the educational achievement of pupils with immigrant and native mothers, gender differences in the impact of weight status on academic performance and assessment of admission methods on academic performance for economics majors. The introductions of three chapters are as follows. In chapter 1, we take advantage of the Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement data set to empirically evaluate whether the test score differentials between pupils with immigrant and native mothers are substantial across subjects, grades and years. Our results show that there exist test score differentials between the two groups after controlling for the students' individual characteristics and family background. The Chinese, Math and English subjects exhibit larger test score gaps relative to Science and Society. We also find that the academic gaps between native students and pupils with mothers from Southeast Asian countries tend to widen, while the students' performance is about the same as that for native students if their mothers are from mainland China, confirming that the language proficiency of immigrant mothers significantly affects pupils' learning. Our empirical results may suggest that remedial teaching (or an equivalent preferential policy) for the lower-grade pupils with immigrant mothers might be required to create a fair environment for learning, and such a policy should take the nationality of those foreign mothers into account. In chapter 2, we take advantage of the Taiwan Education Panel Survey data set to empirically evaluate whether a student's academic performance, measured by his or her test score, is affected by the body weight status of the student. We show that a student's weight status has no impact on his or her academic performance based on an OLS estimation; however, this result is likely to be incorrect due to the potential endogeneity problem, and we further use the propensity score matching method to address this issue. If the entire sample is considered, we find that both overweight and underweight students perform worse than students of normal weight. If we separate sample students into two groups according to their gender, we obtain different results for the different groups. While the male students tend to perform worse when they are either underweight or overweight, the adverse effect on the academic performance is larger for underweight students than for overweight students. By contrast, the academic performance of a female student will be affected only if she is overweight, but not if she is underweight. The policy implication that the government or the schools should have different plans for different gender groups can be drawn from our empirical finding. In chapter 3, we adopt the data from the Department of Economics at National Tsing Hua University to empirically evaluate whether the academic performance differentials between undergraduates with two broad entrance channels are significant across subjects and grades. Our results show that there exist academic performance differentials between the two groups in some subjects after controlling for the students' individual characteristics. The core subjects in economics, such as Economics (I, II), Microeconomics (I, II) and Macroeconomics (I) exhibit academic performance gaps. We also find that the academic gaps between senior undergraduates with different admission methods tend to decline or disappear. Our empirical results suggest the economics department to recruit freshman by the College Admission through Recommendation and Screening (CARS) channel in the sense that they have a better performance on economics core courses.


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