  • 學位論文


Mutinies from the Ji Garrison to the Liaotung Peninsula and the Financial Readjustment in the Early Chung-Zheng Era (1628-1630s)

指導教授 : 李毓中


糧食和兵餉,一直是明朝邊疆上的重要議題。萬曆後期白銀普及,明廷將稅賦和兵餉收支由實物改為銀兩;稍後,壬辰倭亂和女真族崛起遼東半島,掀起明清戰爭,糧餉成為17世紀前半明朝財稅支出最大宗,遼餉由萬曆四十六年開徵的200萬兩年額銀,遞增到崇禎四年的668萬兩銀,卻仍不敷應用,明軍因糧餉匱乏和運輸遲滯屢生兵變,牽引出更多財政和人事的弊病,形成關鍵的歷史轉折時代。 崇禎元年至六年,從明朝京城近郊的薊州鎮到山海關外的遼東抗金前線,接連發生八場兵變,共通原因都是營兵不耐長期缺餉而起。兵變在明軍中產生模仿效應,次數增多後,自金而來的降將劉氏爭取家族利益、皮島軍不服新總兵黃龍、山東遼東人的省籍情仇等特殊因素,也成為欠餉之外的兵變新原因,使少數主謀得以成功煽動明兵從變。八場兵變既使長城堡寨陷入防衛空虛危機,開士兵因變得餉之例,更引發內戰,破壞後勤地區,連帶毀壞明朝遼海戰線。連續兵變的結果,導致明朝在明清總體國力競爭上日趨下風,北京—遼東—山東抗金戰區遭受嚴重破壞。 明廷以裁軍省餉和催繳州縣賦稅的一體兩面政策對應崇禎初年的財政困窘和軍費緊繃,為籌錢力行考成法,視徵稅成效銓敘所有府州縣官,除加緊收齊繳納中央的「起運銀」,更將地方經費的「存留銀」也納入遼餉源,硬性規定州縣認繳,比例佔其總數之半,此稅連同水旱災、民變嚴重打擊地方實力,民心同因生活艱困而日益流失。 天啟、崇禎時期,明朝兵部尚書大學士孫承宗組織遼東幕僚團,群集文武官兵重整教戰,化敗退入山海關的頹勢為拓地到錦州的復興局面,許多落第舉人也憑藉才幹出仕遼東,另有北京專權大太監魏忠賢及其黨徒插手遼事,欲攫取利權,引發朝野人事鬥爭外擴到薊遼,在戰場競爭事功。本文考證此時期的薊遼人事關係,陳述兵變中主事官員:王應豸、畢自肅、茅元儀和其轄下重要武官的事蹟,以分析晚明士人治軍理政的能力,和明朝財政、軍事衰微受人為因素的影響。 本文應用畢自嚴《度支奏議˙新餉司》內容,理清晚明各省遼餉徵額和繳納日程,確認遼餉自開徵起即採定額徵收制,在崇禎初財政重整時曾獲得控制,但因戰事擴大、各省災亂而膨脹,四年大凌河之戰後則遽增,再難控制。遼餉因明清戰爭而生,是明末三十年國家財政的重要項目,主要用於北直隸和遼東軍費,屬於正項稅賦之外的臨時加派,原定滅金光復遼土後取消,但迄明亡都未達成。崇禎朝這次財稅重整,不僅層面擴及中央和地方大部分稅目,且嚴格要求簿記管理、定期匯報,卻未能抑制軍費增長,達成停徵遼餉目標,根本原因還是金軍未滅,內戰及災荒不斷,支出源不消,但此次理財仿效萬曆初期的精細控管,嚴格實察,也顯示出遼餉與晚明財稅的緊密關係。


崇禎 薊州 遼東 兵變 晚明財政


Grain and military salaries were always the main subjects of the frontier affairs in China. After the middle period of Wan-Li Era, the Ming government changed taxes and military pay from goods and materials to taels. In a later time, the Ren-Chen Japan-Korea War(1592-1598, 壬辰倭亂) and the Ming-Qing War which began in succession made military pay and salary the maximum expenditure of the Ming finance. In order to support the fight of resistance against aggression, the Ming court levied the Liao tax for military supplies and equipments with the amount of 2,000,000 taels in the beginning and 6,680,000 taels in the end of each year. Even the budget for defense reached to the height, the Ming troops still mutinied against their government incessantly because of the short of supplies. These mutinies implicated more financial crisis and personnel management fault. A historic transition of concern formed. There were eight successive mutinies taking place from the Ji Garrison to the Liaotung Peninsula in the early Chung-Zheng Era(1628-1633). The Ji Garrison and the region of Shan-Hai Pass, in the suburbs of Ming capital, Bejing, were frontline battlefields to resist the invasion of Jing Empire. These mutinies lighted up by soldiers all derived from a continued state of food provision exhaustion. Mutiny exerted its influence on the Ming troops to imitate violence and request salaries or other desires. After several times, other new factors had gradually permeated through the mutinies, like the General Liu family’s interests, the Pi Island Legion’s detestation of General Huang Long, and the provincialism problem between Liaotung and Shantung people. The internal disorders not only caused the Great Wall forts of Ming to sink in defense crisis, but also destroyed logistics bases or coastal fronts such as the whole Shantung Province seriously. The serial mutinies made the Ming Empire be in adverse circumstances day by day when it competed with its vigorous opponent, Qing. Finally, the combat zone of Bejing, Liaotung, and Shantung declined. Soldiers’ pay and provisions in Liaotung, the temporary tax not belonging to orthodox duties, were originally imposed on common people of Ming out of the Ming-Qing War. It was mainly put in use to support military expenditure in Bejing and Liaotung and would be repealed if the Ming troops successfully eliminated their enemy Qing or regained possession of lost territory of Liaotung. As 30 years went by, the Ming Court consistently failed to accomplish this important objective while the Liao tax became a regular practice and the foremost subject in finance. The taut revenues accompanying the huge defense budgets forced Chong-Zheng emporer to reduce the armed forces and urge all county magistrates to draw taxs in by validation system. Nearly half of every local annual appropriation was compulsorily handed in besides the central recenue. These policies influenced each other. Counties further lost their wealth and prosperity because of the floods and droughts, then Ming lost feelings of the citizenry. The Tian-Qi and Chung-Zheng Eras (1621-1644) were a critical time in the Ming-Qing War history. Sun, Cheng-Zong, Minister of Military and member of the cabinet, organized officials and assistants into a group in Shai-Hai Pass. They led the Ming troops from disordered retreat in defeat into a revived aspect, even recapturing their territory up to Jin Garrison. Many frustrated gentry secured official positions by expertise in Liaotung and so did Wei, Zhong-Xian and his henchmen. The latter were the big eunuch gang who usurped power for personal motives. Therefore, the parties struggling in Bejing court was enlarged with merits and achievements in the battlefrong. In this thesis, I research into the personnel relationship in Ji-Laio Area and give some examples to illustrate their work experience and qualifications, like Wang Ying-Xie, Bi Zhi-Su, Mao Yuan-Yi, and military officers commanded by them. With these investigations, we can realize the gentry’s ability to built a military society, then prove that anthropogenic source causes the degeneracy in finance and military of Ming Dynasty. In this thesis, the 36 volumes of “New Solider’s Pay” which were contained in the anthology “Du-Zhi-Zou-Yi” would be applied completely on the first take. Bi Zhi-Yan, the Minister of Finance in Chong-Zheng Court, wrote this anthology to report the state of taxation affairs to the throne. With those informations, we can confirm the Liao tax schedule and its estimated assessment, then to realize that it had been controlled once in the early Choug-Zheng Era but increased rapidly after the War of the Big Ling River. Since the Liao tax had its levy limit, ultimately the Ming Court couldn’t take financial deficits. The Ming-Qing War formed a strong demand to reform the finance of the Chong Zheng Court. In this fiscal restraing period, most central and local taxes were gathered and controlled by Bejing government, which paid much attention to bookkeeping and regular letter report. The final objective to stop the Liao tax and to restrain the growth of military expenditure was a fail because of the continuing presence of the Qing troops. Besides, floods and the insect pests of mass destruction also expanded the expenditures. This finance rally took measures to control funds as strict as the early Wang-Li Period, but few researchers had ever mentioned it. In the thesis, I try to excavate sober truth in order to explain the causal relation between the Liao tax and the Late-Ming’s finance.




