  • 學位論文


Navigating Key Factors of Successful Entrepreneurship in Taiwan Podcast

指導教授 : 謝英哲


2020年對台灣Podcast的產業界來說是重要的一年,由於本土的Podcast託管平台的出現(SoundOn及Firstory),製作Podcast的難度降低,於是在這一年中新增了超過5000檔的中文頻道,亦出現了高流量的頻道「百靈果NEWS」、「股癌Gooaye」及「台灣通勤第一品牌」,敏銳的廣告主也看到了此一現象,開始投放廣告至節目中,並獲得良好反饋。而在國際上Podcast產業的變化是:Apple Podcast推出訂閱制,國際音樂串流平台Spotify展開一系列的Podcast產製公司的併購,Facebook也宣佈Spotify聯手攻佔聲音產業,讓人感受到Podcast產業已進入「聲音經濟」的戰國時代。 學生看到此產業現象,欲了解目前台灣已成功的Podcast頻道之創業成功關鍵因素,因此選取三個長踞排行榜的頻道進行分析,分別是「台灣通勤第一品牌」、「哇賽心理學」及「法客電台」,以用深度訪談的方式取得研究資料,再以質性研究的方法進行分析,意圖解析台灣Podcast之創業成功關鍵因素。 研究結果發現,這些已成功的Podcast共同擁有的特點是,能明確辨識市場機會,並在早期進入市場,產製內容用心,對其受眾有強烈想傳達的意念,並找對團隊、利用資源、抓緊機會進入市場,在獲得成功後繼續持續創作,為其成功的關鍵要素。


2020 is an important year for Taiwan’s Podcast industry. However, the emergence of Podcast hosting platform in Taiwan, ex: SoundOn, Firstory. the difficulty of making Podcasts has decreased. As a result, more than 5,000 Chinese Podcasts have been added this year, and the most subscribed Podcast " Bailingguo News", " Gooaye " and "Commute For Me " have also been noticed. The keen advertisers saw the phenomenon and began to put advertisements into the emerging platform and got a good return. However, the changes in international Podcast Industry: Apple had planned to debut the podcast subscriptions; Spotify's also spending on podcast-related acquisitions, which will likely make the market even more competitive. Facebook plans to integrate Spotify player to occupy the sound industry. Podcast adoption continues to grow with more and more listeners and marketers allocating a greater amount of the media budget and have become more and more actively involved in the podcast industry, which is expected to continue in the years ahead. When I saw the phenomenon and intend on identifying the key factors for successful entrepreneurship in Taiwan Podcast. I selected and analysis three Podcasts which are often on the leaderboard: "Commute For Me ", "onyourpsy" and "Plainlaw.me ". The research is obtained by in-depth interviews with three Podcast founders, and analyzed by qualitative research methods, in order to find out the key factors for the successful entrepreneurship of Taiwan Podcast. The research results found these Podcasters have the similarity on clearly identify market opportunities, early entry into the market, Podcast programming fluent and carefully constructed, having a strong idea to convey to the audience, and finding the right team, resources, seize the opportunity to grasp the trend, and creative work continuously are the key factors of its success.


李允誠(2015)。影響創業主意生成與創業機會利用之影響要素, 臺北大學
