  • 學位論文


The effect of O2 molecules on the carbonization of Si(111)-7x7 surface

指導教授 : 羅榮立




氧分子 碳化 矽(111)


With the development of the semiconductor and 5G-related communication industry, the semiconductor material silicon carbide (SiC) plays an important role. In order to break through the limitation of the component volume and the negative impact, silicon carbide is still a very hot research topic. In this thesis, by exposing C2H4 or (C2H4+O2) to hot Si(111)-7x7, we use scanning tunneling microscope (STM) to observe the carbonization of 7x7 surface. By changing the substrate temperature and the exposure of C2H4 and O2, we observe the changes of reacted products, like monolayer-deep craters, two-dimensional (2D) structures, and 3D grain. From these results, we found that O2 molecules enhance the creation of carbonization products. This enhancement is explained by the exothermic reaction of O2 molecules with surface Si atoms to yield volatile SiO. The 2D structure of carbonized surface in our results is conrmed to be a ((3^(1/2))x(3^(1/2)))R30度 reconstruction which is the initial product of carbonization on Si(111)-7x7 surface. This observation is consistent with the high temperature STM results of C2H2 in the literature.


Si(111) carbonization O2 molecules


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