  • 學位論文

鄰里公園使用者休閒遊憩滿意度之探討 —以新竹市中央公園為例

User Satisfaction for Neighborhood Park -A Case Study on Hsinchu City Jung Yang Park

指導教授 : 蔡子晧


本研究的主要目的是要瞭解新竹市中央公園使用者休閒遊憩後的滿意度,以使用者基本背景變項、休閒遊憩屬性變項及使用者休閒遊憩滿意度為調查項目,並以問卷調查方式進行資料收集,以描述性統計:次數分佈、百分比方式、平均數,以及推論性統計:卡方(交叉)分析,做為使用者使用後滿意程度分析。 本研究結果顯示:「性別」對於步道鋪面品質、遊樂設施項目、運動器材項目、整體休憩設施實用性及週邊停車空間在滿意度上是有顯著差異;而「年齡」對於運動器材項目滿意度上也有顯著差異;「教育程度」對於整體的環境清潔、步道鋪面品質、遊樂設施的安全性、交通便利性及照明設備的維護情況在滿意度上也是有顯著差異;「職業」對於整體視覺美感的滿意度上也是有顯著差異。綜合上述調查分析結果顯示:對於新竹市中央公園使用者休閒遊憩後的滿意度項目前三名分別是整體的綠化景觀、步道鋪面品質與交通便利性並列及整體的環境清潔;而最不滿意的項目前三名分別是週邊停車空間、照明設備的維護情況及照明設備的擺設位置。研究者將滿意度項目分類成五大項為環境品質、安全維護、遊樂設施、交通便利性及照明設備的滿意程度所得到結果顯示:使用者對公園內的環境品質為最滿意,而對照明設備為最不滿意,且改善建議以照明設備相關為最多。


The purpose of this case study was to understand users’ satisfaction with their experience after using Jung Yang Park, a neighborhood park in Hsinchu City. Research is based on variables such as user background, leisure use, and user satisfaction. This case study utilizes random questionnaire survey data. To determine the correlation between users’ background variables and their level of satisfaction after using the park, the data was analyzed with statistics method such as descriptive statistics, frequencies, percentile, mean, crosstabs statistics- Chi-Square, and factor analysis. The results of the study show that: there is a significant correlation between users’ gender and their satisfaction with features of the park labeled as “park road condition,” “park recreation facilities, ” “sports facilities,” “overall facilities practicality,” and “ parking space availability.” The results also show a significant correlation between users’ “age” and satisfaction with “sports facilities.” Users’ “Education Background” is significantly correlation to user satisfaction with “park overall cleanliness,” “park road condition,” “safety of facilities,” “traffic condition,” and “lighting facilities.” The results also show a significant correlation between users’ “occupation” and satisfaction with “park overall visual aesthetic feeling”. Based on categories of park satisfaction such as “overall park environmental quality,” “safe maintenance,” “recreation facilities,” “park traffic condition,” and “lighting facilities.” the level of satisfaction with “park overall environmental quality” was highest, and “lighting facilities” received the lowest user satisfaction rating.


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