  • 學位論文

社區式長期照護之經營模式分析: 以高雄市私立家庭托顧為個案

The Business Model Analysis for Community-Based Long-term Care Services: The Case of Agency X in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 李傳楷


民國82年9月起臺灣已達到世界衛生組織所制定的高齡化社會指標,且人口老化的速度不斷提升,速度之快與日本並駕齊驅,加上受到少子化問題的影響,使老年人口照顧的負擔越趨嚴重,人們日益認識到長期照顧問題的迫切與嚴重,國家逐漸重視長期照顧議題並訂定了一系列的相關計畫,並於民國108年6月施行長期照顧服務法,推廣更多不同的長期照顧服務模式。 本研究從個案研究出發,旨在探討國內當前社區型長期照顧之家庭托顧的服務運營模式,具體以高雄市某私立社區型家庭托顧長期照顧機構為個案,藉由深度訪談蒐集初級資料,並輔以相關次級資料蒐集,探尋個案研究對象從建立之初所遇到的問題及經營模式、因應之策略,並進一步對國內現行家庭托顧之狀況開展分析,提出見解;並綜合運用PEST分析國內長期照顧的外部環境,用商業模式分析價值主張、顧客關係、通路、目標顧客、關鍵活動、關鍵資源、關鍵合作夥伴、收益及成本結構等九個商業模式構成要素,深入了解個案的經營模式,最後使用SOWT分析個案內部的因應策略,探討如何改善影響個案運營之關鍵因素,讓未來長期照顧服務之相關資源與能力得以有效的提升。


Taiwan has entered the aging society according to the social index defined by the World Health Organization since September, 1982. The population growth rate has been constantly increasing, and the speed of the increasing rate is as fast as Japan. Accompanied with the impact of the declining birth rate, the burden of caring the elderly population has become increasingly serious. The long-term caring service for aging people has drawn various attention from all over the society. The state has formally reconsidered the long-term care issues and established series of related plans. The Long-term Care Service Act was implemented on June 19, 2019, to promote various long-term care service models. The research employs case study aiming at exploring the business model of the long-term care and home-care service based on current community-type service. Specifically, the thesis takes a private community-type long-term care service agency in Kaohsiung City as a case. Combining the primary data collected by in-depth interviews as well as the supplemented secondary data, the case study aims to explore the problems and business models emerged at the beginning of its establishment, its corresponding strategies, and to further analyze the internal family care situation. The paper also uses PEST to comprehensively analyze the external environment of the internal long-term care service. By using business model canvas, the paper analyzes the value propositions, customer relationships, channels, target customers, key activities, key resources, key partners, revenue and cost structures of the case. By using SWOT, the study analyzes the internal responsive strategy and discusses the approach of improving the key factors that may affect the case agency’s operation, as well as the resources and capabilities related to the long-term care services in the future.


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