  • 學位論文


A Study of Integrating Optical Identification (OID) Coded Books and an Online Reading System in an Elementary School for English Learning

指導教授 : 楊叔卿


近年來,針對國小英語教育,科技輔助語言學習已成為趨勢。本研究試圖探討「以紙本為閱讀媒介」與「以電腦為閱讀媒介」之二種不同學習科技,對國小英語學習的影響有何差異。研究者以結合光學識別技術的光學點讀教材「說話小熊」為基礎,將現有教材數位化,設計並建置在電腦上操作的「線上閱讀系統」,除了保留說話小熊隨點隨讀的學習功能外,並增加以下學習輔助功能:(1)中英翻譯介面 (2)單字動畫 (3)練習輔助提示 (4)學習歷程紀錄。 研究對象為台中市DX國小四年級學生共27人,分為「小熊組」與「電腦組」,分別使用說話小熊與線上閱讀系統在課堂上自行學習。透過對英語能力前後測試題、問卷、訪談、現場觀察等回收資料進行分析,歸納出以下結論: 在學習成效方面,兩組學生皆能顯著增進其英語字彙學習成效,但英語聽力學習成效的進步幅度皆未達顯著,且部分學生有偏重玩樂而缺乏系統性學習之情形。學習態度方面,兩組學生在知覺易用性、知覺有用性、學習動機皆回饋正向,但電腦組學生的知覺易用性顯著比小熊組為高。此外,電腦組學生高度肯定線上閱讀系統提供的單字動畫、練習分數等輔助功能對學習有用。兩組學生皆肯定學習載具的「趣味性」與「便利性」,能吸引學生投入學習。小熊組在使用說話小熊時的操作方式與期待會受到過往紙筆使用經驗影響;而電腦組對線上閱讀系統的期待則受到過去電腦網路使用經驗影響。 針對不同成就與性別群組對載具的偏好分析,發現:電腦組高成就學生的字彙測驗進步成績比小熊組高成就學生為佳;電腦組男生的知覺易用性與學習動機比電腦組女生為佳。此外,在線上閱讀系統的使用行為中,發現高成就學生偏好與練習題互動;低成就學生則偏好與課文內容互動。 總結以上,本研究認為,「說話小熊」與「線上閱讀系統」應用在國小英語學習上,對於學生皆有正面的影響,但學生在使用兩種載具時的行為模式略有不同,而不同學業成就與性別學生對載具的偏好觀感也有所差異。最後,本研究針對未來教學設計、載具開發與未來研究提出相關建議。


In the past years, technology enhanced language learning has gained much attention in elementary education. This study aimed to compare the effects of integrating paper-based and computer-based learning technologies in elementary school students’ English learning. With the Talking Teddy Books (TTB) - a kind of optical identification (OID) coded books which support children’s English learning, this study design an Online Reading System (ORS), digitalizing the learning materials of TTB while providing more accessorial functions including bilingual translations, vocabulary animation, assisting text on exercise and record of learning process. Twenty-seven elementary students in the fourth grades in an elementary school of central Taiwan participated in this study. The participants were divided into two experiment group. Group A learned and practiced English with TTB while group B learned and practiced English with ORS on computers. The research findings indicated that adopting TTB or ORS could both improve students’ learning outcome of English Vocabulary. Students of both group showed positive feedback in motivation, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Students in ORS group agreed that additional functions such as animation or exercise scores were helpful to their learning. Students’ ways of operation and expectations towards TTB were strongly affected by their past experience of printed books and pens while students’ expectations towards ORS were affected by their past experience of computers and internet. In addition, higher-achievement students showed higher vocabulary progress scores when using ORS than using TTB. Among those who use ORS, boys showed higher perceived ease of use and higher motivation than girls. When using ORS, lower-achievement students have more active clicks on the content, while higher-achievement students have more active clicks on exercise. In summary, both TTB and ORS on computer have positive effects in elementary students’ English learning while differences between gender and achievement of students were found.


林錦雀(2008)。PHP5 & MySQL私房書。台北市:上奇科技股份有限公司。
