  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 侯道儒


洪邁《夷堅志》費時近六秩而成,其所書寫的故事多半以士人群體為主要描述對象。本文以《夷堅志》所記載的士人神秘經驗為研究範圍,審視洪邁如何書寫這些神秘經驗,如何以此呈現《夷堅志》特出於前代志怪之處,以及《夷堅志》所書寫的士人神秘經驗類型、神秘經驗之意義及其所呈現的現實關懷。 本文緒論說明研究動機目的、概況及方法,在前人研究成果之下,本文得以構思並延展。次章說明志怪小說的發展,以明瞭宋代志怪對六朝以來志怪書寫的學習及省思,並且透過洪邁的撰作意圖及其書寫方式,可見洪邁追求審信徵實的書寫理想,本章亦說明宋代文人及後代評論者對《夷堅志》的回應與反響。第三章從宋人的鬼神觀念導入士人與鬼神互動的神秘經驗,並從這些故事末附的評論方式觀《夷堅志》之書寫策略。第四章說明《夷堅志》神秘經驗的故事,從近三千則故事中揀選符合論題的故事,再依故事內容作分類,並以意義綰合不同類型的神秘經驗故事,以見這些故事所反映的現實關懷。最末章提出本文成果:從洪邁對於志怪書寫的省思及其書寫方式,能見《夷堅志》審實徵信的書寫理想;書中洪邁對事件的評論方式,可見其為增益故事可信度所發展的書寫策略;透過這些故事,亦提供我們對於理解宋代士人生活與思維的另一個樣貌。


洪邁 夷堅志 士人 志怪書寫


Abstract This thesis centers on the mysterious experiences of the elite as recorded in Hong Mai’s Yijian zhi, examining how Hong depicted these experiences and how they differed from the anomaly tales of earlier dynasties. It moreover investigates the different types of mysterious experiences of the elite, their meanings, as well as their social significance. The introduction lays out the thesis’ research methodology and provides an overview of previous scholarship. The second chapter describes the historical development of anomaly tales through different dynasties in order to shed light on how anomaly tales in the Six Dynasties (222-589A.D.) influenced the writing of anomaly tales in the Song Dynasty. Through a close analysis of Hong Mai’s intentions and writing strategy, this chapter discusses his ideal regarding the need to authenticate the reliability of the source material he collected. In addition, this chapter also investigates how scholars viewed the Yijian zhi in the Song Dynasty and later periods. In the third chapter, people’s concepts of ghosts and deities in the Song Dynasty are examined. This examination serves as the threshold to help further probe the mysterious experiences that Hong Mai described between elites and ghosts and spirits. This chapter also analyzes the comments found at the end of the stories and views them as a window for understanding Hong’s writing strategies. The fourth chapter examines nearly three thousand stories from the Yijian zhi that fit under the category of mysterious experiences. These stories are further categorized according to their content, and investigated in order to uncover how they reflect various aspects of elite society. The last chapter concludes that Hong’s anomaly tales clearly reflect his ideal of authenticating the reliability of his sources. His comments on the stories are intended to bolster their credibility. These stories also provide us with a glimpse into how elites viewed mysterious experiences during the Song Dynasty. Key Words: Hong Mai, Yijian zhi, the elites, anomaly tales




