  • 學位論文


Analysis for the effect the diverse scene of battle fields cause upon the model of visual search

指導教授 : 王明揚


由於戰場上軍服迷彩之偽裝效果攸關士兵之存活率,為瞭解迷彩之偽裝效果,各國專家們發展了各種形式迷彩效能驗證評估方法。多數偽裝迷彩設計主要構想是以隱蔽於作戰場景中而不被發現,因此許多驗證方法是將不同的迷彩置於各種戰場背景內來做比較,運用人眼基礎生理量值進行量化評估研究所得迷彩間比較評值。然而,似乎忽略作戰場景種類的不同,可能也會增加視覺搜尋難度,進而影響迷彩效能評估結果。 本研究旨在探討不同種類作戰場景下對於專業軍事人員眼動搜尋模式之影響及分析,以找出於各種作戰場景下,因作戰地形種類不同差異之間搜尋模式的特性,並透過統計分析建立搜尋模型。實驗設計以五張單純作戰場景及五張具有人形迷彩干擾刺激圖進行人員視覺搜尋實驗,實驗結果發現不同種類作戰場景對人員視覺搜尋模式產生影響,並以量化評估方式分析不同種類作戰場景特徵,可用於後續分析迷彩刺激加入作戰背景前後對軍事人員視覺搜尋模式的影響,以作為迷彩效能基礎評估運用。 另外,在學術界雖有多種設計偽裝迷彩之研究,但尚無對作戰場景進行分析其眼動搜尋模式。本研究企圖以眼動儀量測不同作戰場景對眼動搜尋行為影響結果為基礎,透過分析受試者於作戰場景內相關眼動參數值瞭解興趣區塊並作為量化場景之單位,此結果可助於未來設計不同作戰場景迷彩之參考。


Most methods for camouflage assessment are designed to place two or more camouflage patterns into the same backgrounds, and compare the effect based on detection time or detection distance. The result only shows the performance of one pattern surpasses the others, but lacks the information about how good the pattern is. Those methods left out the factor that backgrounds may be one of the factors that cause long searching time. Originally, one needs longer searching time for backgrounds of high complexity; therefore, one pattern may possess longer detection time than another, but may be shorter than the searching time of the background itself. It implies the performance of the pattern is not good enough. We present an idea that backgrounds may affect the way how observers search and this factor should be taken into consideration for camouflage assessment. The experiment, in which the observers were asked to search in five images taken from different likely battle fields, is meant to find if the model of visual search differs from diverse backgrounds. The observers’ eye movement data including fixation, saccade, fixation duration, blink rate and total search time during the experiment was recorded and established for further analysis of the features of the backgrounds resulting in the diversity of searching in a way of quantification. The conclusion provides a quite objective basis for camouflage assessment.


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