  • 學位論文


How Foreign Financial Leasing Companies Build Competitive Advantages in Financial Leasing Industry in China- The Case Study of Chailease International Finance Co.

指導教授 : 李傳楷


本研究旨在探討中國大陸華東區之融資租賃業者,在現今中國的融資租賃發 展環境下,之關鍵成功因素為何。透過深度訪談華東區中小企業融資租賃業者龍頭-仲利國際租賃有限公司(Chailease International Finance Co.)組織內部,從其中國區的策略層峰、華東區域經理,至最前線的業務人員,具體獲得融資租賃業者,對於中國大陸實體融資租賃業環境感想,及其組織內部運作與華東區融資租賃環境相對應之狀況,與策略運用概念。 此訪談資訊經過整合後,利用文獻加以分析,得出美國融資租賃業務模式在中國實行的限制、外商融資租賃業於中國大陸之的競爭概況,與中國融資租賃業者角度的策略觀點,為中國融資租賃業者提出其未來可行的具體策略發展向。




The research focuses the discussion on the environmental and strategic comparison between U.S. and China’s financial leasing industry and the development limitation of the industry can be found by comparing the difference between U.S. and eastern China’s financial leasing business environment which helps to propose an effective strategic development suggestion to the Chinese financial leasing companies. Chailease, the case study company, has been referred to bring up an insight about how a financial leasing firm operates under Chinese business environment and the research is conducted by having the interview from the management of strategic level, regional tactic level all the way to the first line manager. Concrete strategic development orientation can be concluded by the information generalized from the two countries’ different business environmental views and the competitiveness of financial leasing firm along with its strategic perspectives in China.


Financial leasing


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