  • 學位論文


A Study of Using Augmented Reality in Cell Phone Maintenance Training System

指導教授 : 王茂駿


在產品生命週期中,為了提升產品使用壽命,維修/保養系統是必要的。近年來,資通訊技術(Information Communication Technologies,簡稱ICT)的興起,許多產品服務系統接連誕生,如:e化維修保養。其中所使用之技術以擴增實境(Augmented Reality,簡稱AR)較為熱門,相關的應用領域與研究不斷地被提出,其人性化且直覺的顯示提供使用者另一種全新的體驗,打破傳統教學方法與維修方式。 本研究提出利用擴增實境技術開發出產品維修訓練與維修/保養系統,並以普遍性較高之iPhone4作為維修對象,期望透過本訓練系統提升維修訓練效率且經由維修/保養系統之診斷機制自行更換/維護零組件。為了驗證本系統之績效,經由實驗將本研究所開發之維修訓練系統與紙本教學和電腦輔助教學作比較。每位受試者必須進行三種水準之任務難易度與教學方式,並在實驗後填寫NASA主觀心智負荷量表與系統易用性量表。透過實驗得到各實驗組合之任務完成時間、錯誤率、主觀心智負荷及系統易用性分數。 實驗結果發現,女性比男性更容易給予較高之系統易用性分數,但在任務完成時間、錯誤率與主觀心智負荷上並無顯著差異。在任務難易度方面,簡單任務花費時間最少、錯誤率及心智負荷低且系統易用性分數較高。反之,困難任務則花費最多時間、錯誤率及心智負荷高且系統易用性分數較低。教學方式則以紙本教學績效最差,其任務完成時間最長、錯誤率及心智負荷程度高且系統易用性分數最低。而擴增實境教學則具最短完成時間、錯誤率及心智負荷程度最低且系統易用性分數最高。另外,在不同水準之任務難易度下,擴增實境教學皆比其它教學更快完成任務。綜合上述結果顯示,擴增實境技術運用於維修訓練具有較佳的訓練效果與滿意度。 關鍵詞:維修訓練、e化維修保養、擴增實境、紙本教學、電腦輔助教學


Abstract In product life cycle management, the effective maintenance system is important to enhance the product’s life. In recent years, the Information and Communication Technologies are rising, many computer aided product service systems are developed, i.e. e-Maintenance. Among these technologies, the Augmented Reality is becoming more and more popular, and many applications are proposed. The user-friendly and intuitive display design provides users a new experience in performing maintenance. This study proposed an augmented reality maintenance training and maintenance system, which used iPhone4 as the maintenance object. To verify the performance of augmented reality system, this study compared printed manual and computer-assisted instruction. Each subject was requested to complete three levels of task difficulty and training methods. The response measures included the completion time, error rate, subjective mental workload and system usability scores. The results showed that the female subjects give a higher score on system usability. But there was no significant difference in task completion time, error rate and subjective mental workload. In task difficulty, the simple task had the least completion time, error rate, workload, and the highest system usability score. On the other hand, the difficult task had the highest completion time, error rate, workload, and the least system usability score. In training methods, the manual approach had the worst performance. It had the highest completion time, error rate, workload, and the least system usability score. The augmented reality system had the least completion time, error rate, workload, and the highest system usability score. In addition, the augmented reality system was faster than the other training methods to complete the task in different difficulty levels. The result showed that using the augmented reality in training had better performance and user satisfaction. Keywords: maintenance training, e-Maintenance, Augmented Reality, printed manual, Computer-Assisted Instruction.


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