  • 學位論文


The Introduction of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention System among Industrialized Countries

指導教授 : 游志雲


勞工因工作所引起的肌肉骨骼傷害(WMSD)是工業化先進國家一個很嚴重的職業安全衛生問題,肌肉骨骼傷害不僅會危害勞工的健康造成損傷及失能,亦會導致企業的工時損失、醫療賠償及生產力下降,增加社會成本。為了要消除或降低肌肉骨骼傷害,先進工業國家都成立肌肉骨骼傷害的防制體系,推動各式各樣防制工作。 本研究目的在於探討先進國家,如美國、加拿大、芬蘭、德國肌肉骨骼傷害防制體系與推動工作,並提供我國的防制體系與推動工作之借鏡。大體上,各國的防制體系由三個主要機構構成:執法機構制定法令及強制執行;研究機構提供防制方針與技術支援;推動機構由民間社團、協會、保險公司以及醫院、診所負責推廣與輔導。推動工作包含:實施勞動檢查強制執行法令、建立標準與頒布指引、開立課程教育宣導人因工程改善方法、提供諮詢輔導企業執行。 結論,參照各先進國家肌肉骨骼傷害防制體系與實際作法,我國事實上也具有政府執法機構、研究組織、與民間協會、醫療體系的影子,並有類似的諮詢機構,只是未趨完備。


Work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD) is a very serious occupational safety and health problem in industrialized countries, it affects not only the health of workers resulting in injury and disability, but also causes the cost in work absenteeism, medical expense, productivity loss to industry, and increases social cost. In order to prevent WMSD, scholars generally agreed that the five risk factors of WMSD –awkward posture, over-exertion, high repetition, vibration, and oppression of organization should be eliminated or reduced with ergonomics method, and through promotion of the organizations to implement in corporation and workplace. This thesis introduced the MSDS prevention systems of the U.S., Canada, Finland, Germany and Taiwan, and provided information to help strengthening the prevention system of Taiwan. In terms of strategy, all the prevention systems of these countries are basically formed by three organizations, such as government for law making and enforcement, research institutions provide prevention directives and technical support, and promotion organization for promotion and assistance by the civil society, institutions, insurance companies, hospitals, and clinics. The specific practices include: implementation of the labor inspectorate to enforce decrees, establishing standards and promulgating guidelines, creating training courses to promotion ergonomic improvements, providing counseling to help business execution. The result suggests Taiwan that the primary should set up Advisory Committee, and make MSDS Prevention Act, and strengthen cooperation with national insurance agencies, civil associations, groups to implement in the enterprises and workplaces.


1.Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, November 12, 2009
7.潘儀聰、杜信宏, 職場肌肉骨骼傷害防制技術教材發展應用研究, 2012, 勞工安全衛生研究所IOSH100-H321
