  • 學位論文

從服務設計觀點看旅遊產品規劃 -以馬來西亞華人旅台行程為例

Develop Travel Product from Service Design Perspective: A study on Malaysian Chinese Tourists' Itinerary in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王貞雅


過去無論實務或是學術領域,常以產品設計流程探討旅遊行程規劃,然而旅遊是一種複雜的體驗,其具有無形、異質以及易逝等特性,相對於產品而言,與服務較為接近。因此,本研究試圖以馬來西亞華人作為目標,引入服務設計流程,重新設計旅遊套裝行程。   研究設計透過隨團參與式觀察以及導遊訪談進行旅客行為研究資料蒐集,以協同合作工作坊進行資料分析與創意發想,其中包含以虛擬人物形塑目標客群,並以需求期待定義價值主張,而後,藉由跨領域交流進行創意發想,並研擬其具體細節,最終產出一個為馬來西亞華人打造之專屬創新旅遊行程。   經由引入服務設計之概念與方法,強化使用者中心觀點之重要性,並以體驗、系統與流程作為思考依據,運用跨領域與多樣化的方法與工具洞察旅客深層需求。藉此對旅客有更全面化的了解,同時激發更多創意。   本研究透過服務設計流程實作,提供可應用於旅遊領域之服務設計流程,亦補足過去文獻甚少提及之流程具體細節與工具的運用,使旅遊實務有效地進行創新,並得以將服務設計概念導入企業文化,由根本轉化為服務品牌,創造差異化優勢。


Previously, both practitioners and academia used the product concept in tourism field. However, tourism was a complex experience which has intangibility, perishability, heterogeneity and other characteristics. As such, service concept was more suitable than product to design the travel itinerary. This research proposed and applied service design for redesigning the package tour; Malaysian Chinese were the target of this study. This research was structured as the following. First, tourist behavior research was conducted through participant observation and interviews with tour guides. Second, a co-creation workshop was conducted for data analysis and idea generation among multidisciplinary members; persona were created then to portray target groups, arrange their needs to define value proposition, and generate the creative ideas for tour design. Finally, an innovative tourism itinerary especially for the Malaysian Chinese was developed. The concept and approach of service design enhance the importance of a user-centered perspective, and include multidisciplinary methods and tools to gain deep insights into the needs of the tourists. Service experience, systems and processes serve as a basis of thinking. Service design can offer a more comprehensive understanding of tourists, and at the same time, stimulate more creative thinking. This article provides a service design process, which could be applied to tourism field; it also complements previous studies that rarely mentioned the details of the process and the use of tools. The application of such service design process can help tourism practitioners innovate more effectively, place the service design concept into organizational culture, and therefore transform their organization into a service brand, and ultimately create a differentiation advantage.


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