  • 學位論文


Selling Product, Delivering Logistics Service, or Both: The Antecedents and Consequences of Sales Driver’s Ambidextrous Behavior

指導教授 : 嚴秀茹


組織雙面靈巧是組織管理思維中之重要概念,其概念更可以應用於探討第一線服務人員之行為,例如,近年來越來越多企業希望第一線員工除了盡職服務顧客之外,同時能夠積極銷售企業之商品。本文將個人兼顧服務與銷售之行為稱為雙效行為,研究影響雙效行為產生之前因與後果。本論文以台灣H公司推行第一線員工雙效行為之服務創新計畫為研究背景,試圖回答三項研究問題:(1) 個人前瞻性格以及對組織創新計劃之意義詮釋是否預測雙效行為?(2) 單位主管之目標導向與工作團隊支援是否調節個人特質對雙效行為之影響作用?(3) 雙效行為是否影響第一線員工之績效表現?本研究透過問卷調查以及H公司之企業系統資料蒐集研究所需資訊,有效樣本含303位第一線員工以及37位站所主管。研究結果顯示前瞻性人格特質、自我改變效能程度越高之員工,可能產生之雙效行為越明顯,個人對創新計劃之意義建構越正向、接受度越高之員工,與個人雙效行為也呈現了正向之關係;然而,團隊同儕以及主管支領導方式,在個人前瞻性高、自我改變效能以及對計畫意義建構度高的三項前置因子與雙效行為之間,並沒有產生顯著的正向調節作用,顯示個人在雙效行為產生部分,不容易受到他人影響;最後,在績效部分,由於合作公司、產業特性的限制,個人業績計算方式落差相聚甚大,因此,雖然過去研究顯示個人雙效行為與績效呈現顯著正相關,然而在本研究並未發現雙效行為與個人銷售績效具顯著關係。


Ambidexterity is an essential concept not only for managing organization but for individual employees as well. Particularly, firms nowadays anticipate their frontline employees to take on sales responsibility while delivering service to their customers, which well exemplify the concept of ambidexterity at the individual level. In collaborating with a logistic company in Taiwan that launched a program to promote ambidextrous behaviors at their customer contact employees, this study aims to examine three issues. First, whether proactive traits and meaning-making of the innovation predict ambidexterity? Second, whether the goal orientation and team support moderate the influence of individual characteristics? Third, does ambidexterity influence the employees’ performance? To address these issues, this study surveyed 303 frontline employees and 37 branch managers together with the employees sales performance data from the case company. The results show positive effects of proactive personality, change-related self-efficacy, and meaning-making on ambidextrous behavior; however the relation between these independent variables and ambidextrous behavior are not moderated by team support and the goal orientation of the branch managers. Surprisingly, no significant relations were found between employees’ ambidextrous behavior and their performance.


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