  • 學位論文

導入Big Data科技解決我國Open Data的挑戰

Using Big Data Technology for Taiwan's Open Data Policy

指導教授 : 林博文


在資料快速的產生下,Open Data的處理及應用,將是促進社會進步的驅動力;隨著Open Data的產生,政府推行上將會遇到許多難題。如何應用Big Data這項世代的新技術來解決,將是未來的新方向;政策也經由在制訂和發展的過程中找尋出新的方針與藍圖。當前Big Data的技術來解決Open Data的困難,藉由企業的回饋和政府的力量對於社會產生更多價值。本文就目前Open Data的政策和現況,找出所遇到的問題,希望對於資料整合有興趣的人士,能了解解決的方法。本研究的目的有三:(一)探討各國Open Data和我國政策發展現況(二)探討我國目前遇到的困難(三)探討如何應用Big Data政策來解決當前的困難。本研究經由文獻探討及資料收集,並探詢民間意見,探討科技政策、企業發展、國外觀點等三方切入。從「電子資料庫」及網路和文章中,選取國際相關之政策報導,符合關鍵字為「科技政策」、「政府法規」、「Open Data」、「Big Data」、「公開資料」相關之研究,經過分析研究結果發現Big Data、Open Data、兩者之間關係是相互影響的。本文試著規劃兩種資料中心的合作。若整合兩者能大幅提升對於資料分析的助益性,能為國內帶來更高的生產總值,而這樣的結果也支持了本研究的觀點與文獻探討所獲得之結論也是結果相似的。


開放資料 海量資料


In the generation of data so quickly , processing and application of large amounts of data will be the force to promote social progress. With the appearance of open data, government will face difficulties. How to use this new big data’s technology to solve them, will be a new direction. Policies via the development and process to find new methods and the blueprint .Using big data to solve open data’s problem, by the feedback of the government forces and companies to generate more value for society. This article uses currently open data policies and situation to solve problems now, hoping for data interested people can understand both similarity and diversity. The purpose of this study are three: (a) investigate the other nation’s science and technology about open data policy and show condition (b) investigate the current situation of our country’s policy of open data (c) to discuss the combination of the big and open data. The study by the literature, science and technology policy formulation, business development , foreign viewpoints three point to realize. Besides, the study seek the private opinion, too. From the " electronic databases " and the network and related article, to select the keywords of " Science and Technology Policy" , "Government regulations"、"Open Government Data"、"Big Data"、" Public Data", through analysis of the data and found that the relationship between the big and open data, both of which influence each other. This article try to plan two data center to corporate and both can be significantly improved if the integration is helpful for data analysis and can bring more GDP to country, while this result also support the conclusion that the ideas and literature studies have also obtained similar results.


Open Data Big Data


4. 宋餘俠,李國田,2012年1月18日政府公開資料,政府部門資料加值推動與挑戰,Open Data加值推動會議,行政院研究發展考核委員會。
5. 邱羿儂,2012,開放政府資料之策略研究-英國、美國與台灣之比較,國立台
10. Big data is a Big Deal, March 29, 2012, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
11. Viktor Mayer-Schonberger, Kenneth Cukier, 2013, Big Data:A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think.
1. 林俊宏(譯),2013麥爾荀伯格、庫基耶(著),大數據,台北:天下遠見出
