  • 學位論文


An exploration of online registration: why people register with websites, and why do they choose Single Sign-On (SSO)?

指導教授 : 雷松亞


線上註冊逐漸在使用者及企業間扮演重要角色,許多線上網站要求使用者註冊已獲取使用者的個人資料,公司可以分析使用者資料來了解使用者,進而改善行銷並建立顧客關係。儘管公司重視使用者在網站上註冊,但目前仍少有研究探討影響使用者行為的動機。本研究著重在了解影響註冊意願及註冊方式的因素,我們結合了自我揭露理論,從認知利益及認知成本的觀點探討使用者註冊。 研究結果顯示註冊意願會受到購買意願、銷售意願、分享網站至社群網站意願、信任的影響,而社群認同不影響註冊意願。此外,研究結果顯示使用Single sign-on (SSO) 的可能性會受到方便性、正確的SSO心智模型及分享網站至社群網站意願的影響。在使用者選擇註冊方式時,正確的SSO心智模型會影響使用者的抉擇,但是只有在使用者對註冊保持中立態度或是不願意登入的狀況下,對於願意登入的人並不會受到影響。 希望本研究可以引起更多人的興趣,進一步研究相關問題。此外,本研究針對研究結果進行討論,對於未來應用方式及後續研究重點加以說明,期望能對學者及實務工作者有所助益。


In order to get user’s personal information and analyze user information to improve marketing skill and build customer relationship, increasingly growth of websites ask people for registration. Although registration is important, few studies research it. This study focuses on the effects on registration intention and registration method. We researched registration based on the viewpoint of perceived benefit and risks of self-disclosure in this study. An online survey was conducted to test the models. The results suggested that user’s registration intention could be influenced by trust, intention to purchase, intention to sell product and intention to share on social network sites, but not community identification. Besides, the results suggested that people’s likelihood of using single sign-on (SSO) could be influenced by convenience, correct SSO mental model and intention to share on social network sites. Furthermore, correct SSO mental model is important but only influences people who are neutral or unwilling to register. Overall, the result of the study may draw attention to registration. Additionally, these findings have implications for researchers and managers.


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