  • 學位論文


Organic-synthesized Polypeptides as Dielectric Materials for Organic Thin-Film Transistors

指導教授 : 黃振昌


過去以蛋白質作為閘極介電層的研究,如蠶絲蛋白、明膠、牛血清蛋白等皆獲得極佳的元件表現,而本研究目的為釐清蛋白質組成─胺基酸的作用,以N-carboxy anhydride開環聚合法(NCA ROP)將胺基酸聚合成多肽(Polypeptide),作為有機薄膜電晶體(OTFT)之閘極介電層,並成功獲得電晶體特性。 研究中,選擇極性較大的絲胺酸(Serine)及極性較小的丙胺酸(Alanine)作為研究對象,依比例分別聚合成均聚肽(Homopolypeptide)及無規共聚肽(Random copolypeptide)後,以旋轉塗佈的方式製備成閘極介電層,搭配五苯環作為半導體層,製作出p型有機薄膜電晶體。結果顯示,胺基酸比例的改變與電晶體遲滯現象有關係,而不同多肽薄膜處理溫度也會影響其構型及電性表現。於大氣下量測,絲胺酸占20%的80℃薄膜,載子遷移率達0.87 cm2V-1s-1,臨界電壓為-0.67 V。


Proteins such as silk fibroin, gelatin and bovine serum albumin were reported to be excellent gate dielectrics for pentacene OTFTs. The purpose of this research is to clarify the role of amino acids, which made up of protein. By the chemical method called “Ring-opening polymerization of N-carboxy anhydride” (NCA ROP), polypeptides were synthesized as gate dielectric materials for OTFTs. All the OTFTs exhibit transistor characteristics. In this study, we synthesize Serine and Alanine into homopolypeptides and random copolypeptides of different ratio. These peptides were spin-casted as dielectrics for pentacene thin film transistors. The results show that, hysteresis is influenced by changing the ratio of amino acids, and the electrical characteristics are altered by the temperature treatment on dielectric thin films. For the device that contains 20% Serine units under 80℃ treatment, a field effect mobility value of 0.87 cm2V-1s-1 and a threshold voltage of -0.67 V are achieved.


polypeptide gate dielectric OTFT


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