  • 學位論文


A Study of Fifth and Sixth Disadvantaged Student’s Learning Process in the Design of Chicken-and-Rabbit Activity Modul

指導教授 : 許慧玉


本研究旨在透過雞兔問題情境的活動設計,藉由表徵、操作觀察、表格記錄、代數解題的閱讀理解設計教學活動,希望學生能夠透過操作過程的表徵(頭與腳)建立的心像,而連結到代數思考與理解。 本研究採用個案研究,針對新竹市某國小進行個案研究,藉由活動中觀察學生的表現與學習情形,透過活動一到活動三的教學後,學生能對應到代數解題歷程的情形會是如何,故將學生在代數理解上表現情形整理如下: 1.學生能夠運用心像來對應抽象的代數算式運算。 2.學生能從抽象的代數算式運算用操作過程嘗試解讀成功。 3.學生能從未知數只是的一個不知道某數的數值,進而有變數的概念。 本研究發現弱勢學生在活動中也能夠學習抽象的代數,透過鳥與狗的圖卡操作,建立未知數是變數的概念,不只是一個未知答案的某數。透過建立的心像,並且運用心像來套用到抽象的二元一次聯立方程式(代入消去法)的代數運算解題過程,在教師引導下能夠讀懂與理解。


代數 表徵 代數運算 心像圖形 弱勢學生


The purpose of this study is to design a teaching activity based on the activities of the chicken-rabbit problem context through characterization, operation observation, form records and reading comprehension of algebraic problems. Students are expected to create a heart image through characterization of the operation process (head and foot) Link to algebraic thinking and understanding.This study uses a case study to conduct a case study of a country in Hsinchu City. By observing students' performance and learning situations through activities, through the activities from the first activity to the third activity, it can correspond to the algebra problem solving process. Therefore, Students in algebraic understanding of the performance of the situation are organized as follows: 1. Students can use the image to correspond to abstract algebraic arithmetic. 2. Students can use the abstract algebraic arithmetic to try to interpret the success of the operation. 3. Students can never know the number of just do not know the value of a number, then there are the concept of variables. This study found that disadvantaged students are also able to learn abstract algebra in this activities. Through the operation of birds and dogs, it is not just a certain number of unknown answers that a variable is formed. Through the establishment of the image, and the use of the image to apply the abstract simultaneous linear equations in two variables (substitution elimination method) algebraic problem solving process, under the guidance of the teacher can understand and understand.


