  • 學位論文


A study of the themed graduate presentation as Spatial Practice in the discursive context of ‘Landscape of CYCU Department of Architecture’

指導教授 : 蔣雅君


建築系的畢業展覽,是乘載著畢業設計的重要舞台,其中,展覽場地之選擇更隨著台灣城市文化空間之發展而變動,尤其是松菸與華山等園區的創立,讓畢業展更是將其作為首要選擇。直至本論文之研究對象 2016年與2017年中原大學建築系的兩屆畢業班,不同以往的耗時一年時間,親身進入依附於中原大學校園旁,曾與建築系有緊密關係卻逐漸走向沒落的老舊聚落「大觀園」,將部分髒亂如廢墟的閒置空間與環境整頓為「修補式地景」之畢業展展場,不僅開創了建築系畢業展覽脈絡當中的一種新型態,同時也呈現出學生步入當代社會前,作為初出茅廬的建築專業者,面對過去的都市發展所造就的灰色地帶背後所交織著複雜權力關係,透過自身所及的力量嘗試解決發生在現實社會中的問題。 本研究於第二章將台灣建築系的畢業展覽資訊整合出發展雛形。第三章從中原大學的校園與大觀園的聚落發展脈絡建構兩者的歷史關係。第四章記述了兩屆畢業班的策展過程以及面對大觀園的方式與想法作探討。其中包含了學生進入聚落的廢墟中如何面對當地遊民的問題,從擅自闖入整頓到與屋主協議空間使用的可行性、面對具有多方利益關係的贊助者對學生組織自身影響性的考量、展場的承接也關係著策展的學生自身與大觀園的連結性,與介入空間後作為專業者與居民的互動關係。在展覽結束後,更嘗試以工作室的制度來維繫空間的活絡,彰顯了當代的建築系學生對社會關懷與價值認同的態度。 修補式地景的空間實踐與再現包含了空間、社會、教育三個層面,從再現的空間中經由空間實踐來修補地方的集體記憶,帶動了人的回流與關注也修補了學生與居民之間的社會關係。學生對於建築的反思也從初步的論述與行動,實踐在這樣的一場共同的畢業設計當中體現了學生的主體性,雖然兩屆努力的成果未能全然地解決空間的問題,但學生們確實反應了在當代社會被蒙蔽與埋沒的空間的價值與本質,從而建構出一種對於建築教育的修補。


The graduation exhibition of the Department of Architecture is an important stage bearing the graduation project. The selection of exhibition venue varied with the development of Taiwan's urban culture space, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park and Huashan 1914 Creative Park became the first choice of graduation exhibition. Two graduating classes (2016 and 2017) of the Department of Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University, unconventionally entered the old village “Daguanyuan”, which was tightly related to the Department of Architecture but declined gradually nearby Chung Yuan Christian University. They spent one year on reorganizing a part of messy idle space into a graduation exhibition area for “patched landscape”. They not only initiated a new form of graduation exhibition context of the Department of Architecture, but also presented the abilities of the student as novice architects and exhibition planners, when faced with the complex power relations behind the gray zone resulted from the past urban development, in solving the problems in reality. Chapter 2 develops the prototype from the graduation exhibition information of the Department of Architecture. Chapter 3 builds the historical relation between the campus of Chung Yuan Christian University and Daguanyuan village development context. Chapter 4 describes the exhibition planning process of two graduating classes, and discusses their ideas on Daguanyuan, including how they faced local vagrants in the village, entered the site without permission first and later negotiated space utilization with the homeowners, faced the relevancy of the sponsors with multiple benefit relations to the student organization. The exhibition undertaking is related to the connectivity between the exhibition planning students and Daguanyuan, and to the interactive relationship between the professionals and residents after the space is intervened in. They attempted to maintain the activity of space as workshops after the exhibition ended, highlighting the attitude of current students of the Department of Architecture towards social care and value identification. The spatial practice and reproduction of patched landscape comprise space, society, and education sides. The local collective memory is patched up by spatial practice in the reproduced space, driving the backflow and attention of people and repairing the social relations between students and residents. The reflective thinking of students about architecture is practiced in such a joint graduation project by preliminary discussion and action, incarnating the students' subjectivity. The two classes failed to solve the space problem entirely, but the students really reflected the value and nature of space blinded and buried in current society, so as to create a patch for architectural education.


郭肇立(1983),〈歷史建築的時代意義〉,《建築師》,七月號,台北市: 中華民國建築師公會全國聯合會雜誌社。
