  • 學位論文


Control and Implementation of Bi-directional Battery Balance Module

指導教授 : 謝冠群 謝宏毅


本論文旨在研究模組化電池平衡,其中模組結構由四節電池組成。每個電池連接到具執行降壓模式和升壓模式的雙向反馳轉換器,以實現電池充電和放電的平衡。本研究所的雙向反馳轉換器具有12V的低壓側和48V的高壓側。模組化電池平衡標準是以四個電池的即時平均電壓為參考值。當電池 電壓高於平均值時,轉換器將以升壓模式對電池進行放電,並將能量存儲在高壓側;相反地,當電池電壓低於平均值時,轉換器將在降壓模式下從高壓側對電池充電。因此,四個電池將能夠在汲取和汲送過程之後實現平衡。本研究中的模組化電池平衡不需要外部電源而且結構簡單,因此可以擴展到串並聯電池的包裝系列中應用多個模組化電池平衡。實驗結果證實,模組電池處於靜態平衡狀態下,單電池的最大和最小電壓差為0.041V;在實際充電動態平衡時,單電池之間的最大和最小電壓差為0.058V;而在實際放電動態平衡時,單電池之間的最大和最小電壓差維持在0.06V以內。


This thesis develops a modular battery balance, in which the module structure is composed of four batteries in series. Each battery is attached to a bi-directional FLYBACK converter executing step-down mode and step-up mode to do the battery energy charging and discharging for balance. The bi-directional FLYBACK converter developed by this study has a low voltage side of 12V and a high voltage side of 48V. The modular battery balance criteria is referred to the real-time average voltage of the four batteries. When a battery voltage is above the average, the converter will discharge the battery in boost mode and store the energy on the high-voltage side; conversely, when a battery voltage is below the average, the converter will charge the battery from high-voltage side in buck mode. Accordingly, the four batteries will be able to achieve balance after the pump-up and pump down processes. The modular battery balance in this study is without the need of external power supply and simple in structure, and then it can be expanded into multiple modular battery balance in pack series and parallel applications. The experimental results show that the maximum and minimum voltage difference between the single cell is 0.041V when the modular battery is in static equilibrium, and the maximum and minimum voltage difference between the single cells is 0.058V when in real charging dynamic equilibrium, and the maximum and minimum voltage difference between the single cells stay in 0.060V when in real discharging dynamic equilibrium.


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