  • 學位論文


Green Supply Chain considering transportation, environment and economic factors

指導教授 : 黃惠民


隨著環保意識的提高,政府對於環境保護的要求也更加得嚴格,消費者在購買商品時對於商品是否符合環保要求也更為注重,因此綠色供應鏈已經是普偏的趨勢。在製造供應商至經銷據點的供應鏈網路中,物流運輸產生的碳排放量佔據絕大部分,因此本研究透過提高回程車輛的使用比率來讓供應鏈更加得永續。使用Just in Time (JIT)概念,我們提出一個能讓供應鏈反應速度更快的高運送頻度與低運輸量運輸網路,此系統能夠讓貨物的抵達Just in Time,從而降低庫存成本。本研究設計兩項回程車輛運輸情境,在情境一時,貨物從配送中心倉庫運送至經銷據點,然後回程車輛將可回收的包裝材料運送回配送中心倉庫;在情境二時,貨物從製造商運輸至配送中心倉庫更加的頻繁,從而減少庫存。利用上述建立的供應鏈網路概念,我們使用ILOG CPLEX12.4軟體推導出最低碳排放量與最低總成本的解。


The current rise in environmental awareness has resulted in a stricter government regulation on environment protection. Therefore, the trend towards green supply chain has become a common trend. In the manufacture-retailer supply chain, transportation activities produce the largest proportion of carbon emissions. Therefore this research improves the usage level of return vehicle to make supply chain more sustainable. Using the Just in Time (JIT) concept, we propose a high-frequency and low-volume transportation network which enables a quicker response of the supply chain. The system allows goods to arrive just in time, and thus reduce the inventory cost. We design the research for two return vehicle scenarios. In the first scenario, goods are transported from the DC to the retailer and the return vehicle carries the recyclable packaging material from retailers back to the DC. In the second scenario, the goods are delivered in a circular loop from the manufacturer to the DC, thus reducing the inventory. With the above established supply chain network concept, we use ILOG CPLEX12.4 software to derive the minimum carbon emission and minimum total cost green supply chain.


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