  • 學位論文

中小企業工業產品市場開發個案研究 以C公司變頻器產品 水封式真空泵 東南亞市場為例

Case Study of Industrial Product Market Development for SMEs Motor Inverter Water-Ring Vacuum Pump of Company "C" Southeast Asian market as an example

指導教授 : 廖本哲


人們日常生活需的產品,都是原料開始,一步一步製成商品,這個過程從以前的手工製作,到現在的大量製造,除了製作技術一直不斷的進步外,相關周邊的輔助設備產品也不斷的提升精度與性能,而這些生產商品的相關設備或輔助設備,因為都是與工廠習習相關,所以一般也稱之為工業產品,當工業產品的性能與控制精度相對地不斷地提升,會讓產品的品質更加穩定,生產量增加,損耗降低,當損耗降低,也就表示成本也可以降低,所以能讓我們現在所購買和享受的產品品質,產品質感都有很大的提升。 當市場處於供應不足且達到生產規模達到極限時,就需要擴充產能或增加資金增加供應量,在經濟市場上,當某個產品需求增加的時候,都會吸引投資者投資生產,也就是說產品的供給就會增加,這時候進入市場的競爭者也會增加,眾多競爭者加入後,供需的平衡就有所傾斜,朝飽和或是供給過剩的方向走,此時就必須要擴大市場及需求,一般常就的就是從內銷轉外銷。這也就是為什麼我們近10多年來,大家慢慢的從在地市場逐步走向到國際市場,轉變成我們現在大家耳熟能詳的全球化經濟,其實說穿了,就是要把整個銷售市場變大,也只有這樣,整體經濟規模才能擴展,增加經濟動能。 在經濟活動中,生產製造的產品也有分領域,主要分為一般民生用品,消費性產品,工業產品,醫療保健產品等許許多多的產品項目,每種產品有其定位,應用領域,範圍還有使用的複雜度,所以每種產品的推廣及行銷不能一概而論,必須針對其產品特性個別探討,制定合宜的行銷及銷售機制,才能達到其獲利之目的。為了達到企業獲利之目的,必須拓展市場增加產品銷售額以獲取更多的利潤。 近年來,因為國內市場的沒有擴大,內需沒有顯著提升,加上工業產品生產製造的進入門檻逐年下降,導致工業產品利潤越來越薄。臺灣的企業以中小企業為主,要將產品推向國際,行銷是很重要的一環,在資源無法與大企業相比之下如何利用有限的資源推廣及銷售產品,成為中小企業在市場推廣上很重要的一項課題。 綜合以上,本論文主要是以中小企業之工業產品為探討對象,探討工業產品國際市場之分析,蒐集相關的市場資訊,利用個案分析法,結合五力分析及4P分析與4C分析,將工業產品的競爭力與定位分析出來,再利用經營模式九宮格,探討當地市場的經營模式,制定適合的行銷策略之探討。


Since the industrial revolution, the daily necessities we need every day, from the previous hand-made, to the current mass production, in addition to continuous improvement in production technology, the performance and control precision of industrial products are constantly improving, so that the quality of products is more Stable, but also let us buy and enjoy the quality of the product, the quality of the product has a great change. In the economic market, when the demand for a certain product increases, it will attract investors to invest in production, and then the supply of products will increase. In other words, the number of competitors will also increase. When the supply increases, the amount of supply and demand will change. The market will go in the direction of saturation or oversupply, which is why in the past 10 years, we have gradually shifted from the local market to the international market, and we have now become a familiar economy. In fact, we must say that we must bigger the sales market is, the only way is that the overall economic scale can be expanded to increase economic momentum. In economic activities, the products manufactured have many sub-areas, which are mainly divided into many product items such as general livelihood products, consumer products, industrial products, and others. Some products have their positioning, application、scope and complexity in use, so the promotion and marketing of each product can not be generalized. It is necessary to separately explore the feature of products then creating suitable sales rules for marketing to achieve profitability. In order to achieve corporate profitability, we must expand the market to increase profitability in order to obtain more profits. However, because the domestic market has not expanded, domestic demand has not increased significantly, and the entry-cause biology of industrial product manufacturing has declined year by year, resulting in a thinner and thinner industrial product. Taiwan are almost small and medium-sized enterprises, and they are pushing products to the international market. Marketing is an important part. How to promote and sell products when resources cannot be compared with large enterprises has become an important part of SME marketing. Based on the above, this paper mainly focuses on the industrial products of small and medium-sized enterprises, discusses the analysis of the international market of industrial products, collecting market information, uses case analysis, and combines five force analysis, 4P analysis and 4C analysis to analyze industrial products. The competitiveness and positioning of the company are analyzed, then the biz model canvas is used to discuss the business model of the local market and formulate a suitable marketing strategy.


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