  • 學位論文


Legislative Direction of Stalking-the Inspiration from Stalker Control Law of Japan

指導教授 : 張天一


纏擾行為,現今為各國一大待解決之難題,世界各處皆不斷有纏擾行為事件發生,導致後續嚴重的犯罪問題,然而,各國早在十幾年前即開始重視這個議題,紛紛制定規範纏擾行為之專法,希望能有效嚇阻此種極可能引發高危險犯罪的前行為。   我國雖然也意識到纏擾行為之嚴重性,卻僅能用社會秩序維護法、家庭暴力防治法、性騷擾三法來做規範,但因構成要件及規範對象均不相同,甚至僅能予以行政罰來處罰,因此,現代婦女基金會要求我國能與各國一樣,訂定處罰纏擾行為之專法。然而,戀愛自由為憲法所明定之基本權利,無法輕易以法律來規範,究竟其處罰基礎及界限應為何才得以以法律來規制呢?   日本不論是地域或民俗文化均與我國較相近,且日本在十幾年前即制定纏擾行為防制法,至今已有初步的實施具體狀況,因此,本文主要以日本法為討論基礎,先以介紹日本法為中心,再與我國纏擾行為防制法草案做比較,希冀能藉由比較方式,制定符合我國風俗民情之專法,解決纏擾行為之難題。


It is a thorny problem for every country that stalking arising everywhere in the world and results in serious criminal crimes. However, more than decade ago, many countries have been paying attention to stalking and have been legislating against stalking gradually, hoping to effectively deter such behavior which is likely to lead a high risk crime.   Although Taiwan is also aware of the seriousness of stalking, it is only in accordance with Social Order Maintenance Act, Domestic Violence Prevention Act ,Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, Gender Equity Education Act and Act of Gender Equality in Employment for the depending rules. Furthermore, because the element of behavior and the binding subject are different on these rules and only can asking for administrative penalty, Modern Women's Foundation requires Taiwan learning from other countries to legislate against stalking. However, because free love is the constitutional right which cannot be limited by law imprudently, it is necessary to clarify the judgment standard of the law.   Region and culture in Japan is similar to Taiwan. More than decade ago, Japan had legislated stalking prevention act and has some initial achievement. Basing on the Japanese laws, this study introduces the Japanese laws first, then comparing with a draft of stalking prevention act of Taiwan secondly, and trying to make the anti-stalking legislation which is consistent with Taiwan's culture to solve the stalking problems finally.


Stalking Follow Harassment Stalking Prevention Act


