  • 學位論文

台灣都會型教會 室內設計與施工整合研究

The Study of Interior Design and Construction Integration on Metropolitan Churches in Taiwan

指導教授 : 魏主榮


教會建堂對每一位基督徒來說都是非常榮耀的事,為上帝建造殿堂的過程要十分慎重,特別是教會弟兄姊妹奉獻而來的建堂經費更是難能可貴,所以在建堂之初教會推派的建堂委員常會不時的提出相關規劃意見,當然其中不乏專業人士(建築師.室內設計師.機電技師.營造業者……)的叮嚀,所以在建堂會議中多次熱情與用心的建議是可想而知的,當然主責設計師統籌的角色就格外重要。 在特別的機緣下,於從事室內設計專業二十多年的時間中陸續參與過許多雙北都會區教會建堂設計與營造的過程,有的隱身於辦公大樓或巷弄內,有的藏身在地下室,隨著時代變遷都會型教會不再單純只是提供基督徒敬拜空間,教會更積極增加多元的機能如社區服務、樂齡照護及安親課輔等。   特此將曾參與過雙北市都會型教會的案例,列舉三種不同型態的空間:中和喜樂城靈糧堂;台北市忠孝神召會;及台北基督之家系列:新會堂、全人關懷協會、兒童主日學,將這三種不同型態的教會從空間設計到施工整合做一系列的研究。 親身參與教會建堂設計營造的過程常常需要耐心與同理心,更要具備整合多元設備的專業能力(舞台燈光,音響,空調…),並要常與各相關工班彼此調配的能力,都是必須具備的條件,才能順利完成教會託付的設計整建工程。   本研究將做過的此3案例逐一分析整理,將整體溝通、設計、與施作過程完整呈現,提出具體的設計規劃原則與工程整合的重要注意事項,提供未來都會型教會設計營造的一個參考依據。


Building a church is a very honorable thing for every Christian. Building a palace of the Lord should be cautious. Especially the donations from the disciples are very precious. From time to time, the members of the church will give out relevant opinions. Certainly, many of them are professionals (architects, interior designers, mechanics, industrial constructors…etc.). It is conceivable that the discussion must be intense, the role of major designer is extremely important.   For a special occasion, I have been engaged in many processes of church construction during these 20 years. Some are hidden in the office building; some are hidden in the basement. As time goes by, the metropolitan church not only offers space for Christians to worship. The church increases its functions continually, such as after school, community service, and senior care.   I participated in three different styles of metropolitan churches in Taipei and New Taipei City. I do a series of arrangement from the design of the space to the coordination of the construction. For instance: 1. Bread of Life Christian Church, Joy Town in ZhongHe. 2. Assembly of God Taipei ZhongXiao Church,. 3.Taiapi-The Home of Christ.   The designer who participated in building a church require patience, empathy, and integrity of equipment (stage lighting, acoustics, air conditioning…etc.) Design and construction are essential requirements for constructors’ ability of distribution. The study analyzed and sorted out three design cases. It presented the communication, design, and construction process. The author proposed specific design principles and considerations for project integration. The study may serve as a guide for metropolitan churches design and construction.


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