  • 學位論文

結合SQL及NoSQL方法驗證跨領域資料庫整合之研究 -以塑膠模具產業為例

Research on Verifying Integration of Cross-domain Database - A Study of Plastic Mold Industry

指導教授 : 劉士豪




With rise of the “Red Supply Chain”, global shortage of labor, resulting in global wages sharply arising. Also, the growing of the “Mass Customization”, nowadays make manufacturing industry need to be restructured. For these reasons, industrial countries have made strategies to face it. In 2012, Germany announced the industrial era 4.0 is coming. In response to the trend of global competition to help upgrade the manufacturing sector, Taiwan has proposed the “Productivity 4.0 Policy”, part of the actual situation of the German system concept 4.0. But in Taiwan, the “Productivity 4.0 Policy” emphasize on the Intelligent Robot, Internet of Things and the Big Data, these three major technologies, will lift the industry competitive advantage, Productivity 4.0’s core conception is to promote the Automation intelligence equipment, the Cyber-Physical System and the Smart factory to enhance the development of plant intelligence value-added products and optimize the industrial structure in Taiwan and create new growth momentum next wave of industry. Take Taiwan plastic mold industry for example, in plastic components production across the wide, from mold design, tooling to injection molding. But most companies is limited to a single field and lack of integration of the system, it is hard to achieve Productivity 4.0 Policy‘s standards. In view of this, this study will design a cloud integration platform, with the data governance as the basis concept to integrate data from various fields to the integrative database. After the expert verification and system prototyping, mold life cycle model proposed can be applied in the plastic mold industry’s long flow in this study. In the use of this flexible definition of the object changes, shortening the cyber-physical gap and contribute to the integration of information.


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