  • 學位論文


Study of Emission Trading Scheme in Taiwan under Globalization

指導教授 : 林春元


本文主要探討的是,在全球化下,我國溫室氣體減量制度應採用何種減量工具,始能達成有效減量與兼顧國家整體經濟發展之目標。 第二章以理解全球化為基礎,論述全球化之特性及內涵,後並與環境問題作連結,以說明具跨區域性之全球環境問題之性質及治理上可能遭遇之困境,並以聯合國氣候變化公約為例,說明溫室氣體減量治理全球化之現況與趨勢。 確立全球化與溫室效應之連結後,第三章本文將具體介紹各種溫室氣體減量工具之特性及優缺點。並藉由不同工具間之比較與各國現行溫室氣體減量制度之差異,用以說明溫減制度中,採用不同減量工具作為彈性搭配之可能性。 第四章本文則回歸我國法規範上探討。以全球化之角度與我國立法脈絡及特殊的國際地位,觀察並分析我國對於溫室氣體減量及管理法,採用碳排放權交易制度可能遭遇到之挑戰。並於分析後,提出採用雙制併行制度之主張。並且就本文所提出之見解進行分析。最後,第五章歸納本文對於如何有效達成溫室氣體減量目標之方式,並為結論。


This paper discusses what kinds of reduction strategies and means for Greenhouse gases do we select in Taiwan . And under globalization could it achieve the reduction target and development of the national economy. In the second chapter , based on an understanding of globalization to discuss characteristics and implications of globalization , then makes a link on environmental issues to explain the difficulty of governance on cross-regional environmental problems. And take as an example the United Nations Convention on Climate Change to explain Greenhouse gas reduction governance status and trends of globalization. Third chapter will describe and compare various characteristics of greenhouse gas reduction tool of the advantages and disadvantages. In addition I will make a comparison between States greenhouse gas reduction regime adopting tool. Chapter Four will observes and describe Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Management Act, and analysis the problems and plights of this Act. The last on Chapter Four I will propose a new scheme that combine carbon tax and emission trading system, and also try to analysis the problems and plights of this scheme. The chapter Five will makes a conclusion on the how to achieve target of greenhouse gas reduction.


globalization Emission


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