  • 學位論文


Restaurant Planning and Design of Lijiang River Shore

指導教授 : 吳燦中


在商業大環境之中因為時代變化太過於迅速,造成許多商業的經營模式朝向多樣性的經營發展,透過商業模式創新、產品獨特性,產生出不同的價值觀,才能在現今競爭激烈的商業環境之下存活,複合式經營就包括在其中。本研究設計與大陸內地的漓江岸合作,藉由將原基地上的舊建築物內部機能從舊翻新,以室內設計的角度剖析複合式經營模式優劣勢,以及咖啡館與麵包店共存於同一建築物之內兩者互相關係,並記錄其設計之過程。 本研究藉由漓江岸內部重新規劃餐飲空間設計欲探討並執行達到之設計目 的如下: 一、探討複合式餐廳相關文獻與案例分析,擬定餐飲空間營運方向。 二、探究咖啡館、麵包店經營類型與發展,了解兩者經營現況,並透 過複合式經營模式,將兩者優勢應用於餐飲空間中。 三、研擬「漓江岸內部餐飲空間」發展架構與設計方法。 四、規劃適合的2D圖面設計與3D模擬呈現給予經營者建議。 本研究以大陸內地漓江岸之內部餐飲空間為主要研究對象,藉由探討複合式餐廳相關文獻回顧,以及實地走訪相關案例進行分析研究,並探究咖啡產業與烘焙產業文獻資料,回顧兩大產業的經營類型與歷史發展,並從中尋求兩者現今經營現況,進而作為日後本研究設計規劃研究之參考。以陽朔當地的人文、地景、交通、未來發展,當作本設計研究之基礎,並以當地少數民族傳統工藝「藍染」為主要設計元素,發展出新品牌的形象在陽朔地區推廣咖啡、麵包產業與當地文化特色,帶動兩大產業在陽朔地區的發展以及傳承當地文化特色。其整體形象、空間機能,以原有建築物之特色為主,將陽朔當地自然環境為輔,讓餐飲空間融入於陽朔山水之中,並依據經營者對漓江岸餐飲之未來期盼,規劃符合此餐飲空間的空間需求及設計構想,並向消費者傳達本研究設計所設想將咖啡與麵包產業結合當地文化之意象。


Commercial environment had changed rapidly lead to so many business models change toward the diversity of development. And by way of business model innovation, the uniqueness of products to create different values cognitive, and then it survive in the commercial environment, including compound business. This study is cooperation with the project of Lijiang River Shore to analysis and design the new coffee shop together with bakery to be a compound business by the way of building refurbishment. The advantage and disadvantage of interaction between these two different businesses will be analysis and recorded from the interior design point of view. The main goals of this study intend to achieve by re-planning this Lijiang River Shore restaurant can be concluded as below: 1.Case and literatures relative to the composite restaurants will be collected and analysis and operation plan as well. 2.Study possible business model of café and bakery to realize current business situation. The advantage of these two businesses will apply in the neo-design restaurant through the new combination business operation. 3.The developmental frame and design method of Lijiang River Shore project will be elaborated. 4.Planning and design appropriate 2 dimension design drawing and the 3D simulation will produced to client for further consideration. The main target of this design study is the project of Lijiang River Shore. The base of this design study can be achieved through the literature review, site visit, cases study to realize the history and business model of these two businesses i.e. café and bakery to find out an optimal operational business model. Local culture, landscape, traffic, future development of Yangshuo where the site located will become the base of this study. The traditional crafts named as “Aizen” created by local minorities will employed as main design elements to creative neo-branding at Yangshuo to promote the business of café and bakery together with local distinguished culture. The design thinking of overall image of business and functional space will respect the original building presented by the traditional local minorities and the natural environment as well. The space of this restaurant named as Ranran CAFÉ will be integrated into the landscape of Yangshuo. The expectation of client for this particular restaurant also can be the base of the design works. All the requirements of space and design thinking intend to present the ambition of this design restaurant which is the imagery of the local culture is integrated with this neo-business i.e. the compound restaurant with café and bakery.


