  • 學位論文


A Multilayered Grouping Proof Method for Improving Cargo Management

指導教授 : 楊明豪 羅嘉寧


Mobile RFID目前已普遍應用於供應鏈管理,藉由RFID技術,物流業者可大幅提升管理效率。為了改善供應鏈運輸途中,貨物遭到竊取的問題,目前大多利用群組證明來確保整批貨物的完整性。然而傳統的證明因採用依序讀取標籤之方法,無法同時針對特定的一群標籤產生群組證明,亦無法確保隱私性,最嚴重的是這些方法會因讀取大量標籤耗費過多時間而造成不存在的標籤包含於群組證明中,所以較難以實用於現今之物流產業。為此,本論文擬提出多層式的離線群組證明產生方法。該方法不僅可提供匿名之隱私保護,且可透過群組證明,以及收貨時立即自動驗證發貨與收貨資料一致性的做法,來改善供應鏈的收件商與快遞人員間,關於交貨完整性之交易糾紛。此外,亦可抵抗重送攻擊與同步讀取等攻擊。而除了現有群組證明方法之優點外,我們的方法可針對群組或特定之標籤產生群組證明。最後我們將以實驗證明:與其他群組證明方法相較,我們的方法可在移動的RFID環境下,更有效率地執行跨越不同單位的離線大量群組證明產生方法。


Currently, mobile radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems are generally used in supply chain management. Through utilizing RFID, logistic operators can improve the effectiveness of cargo management considerably. To minimize cargo theft during transport, grouping proof methods are generally employed to ensure the integrity of entire cargo loads. However, because conventional grouping proofs involve scanning tags sequentially, they can neither simultaneously generate grouping proofs for a specific group of RFID tags, nor ensure data confidentiality. The most serious problem is that the considerable amount of time such methods require to scan a high number of tags; moreover, nonexisting tags are included in the grouping proofs. Thus, applying grouping proof methods in the current logistic industry involves difficulty. To solve this problem, this paper describes a method for generating multilayered offline grouping proofs. The proposed method provides tag anonymity to ensure data confidentiality; moreover, resolving disputes between recipients and transporters over the integrity of cargo deliveries can be expedited by generating grouping proofs and automatically authenticating the consistency between the receipt proof and pick proof. The proposed method can also protect against replay attacks, multi-session attacks, and concurrency attacks. In addition, the proposed method can generate grouping proofs for specific individual tags or groups of tags. Finally, experimental results verify that compared with other methods for generating grouping proofs, the proposed method can efficiently generate offline grouping proofs involving several parties in a supply chain that uses mobile RFID.


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