  • 學位論文


User’s Continuous Purchase Intention in Value-added Service of APP Game

指導教授 : 皮世明


近年來遊戲App開發者開始轉以應用程式內購買(In-App Purchases)的方式讓使用者為應用程式內容付費,本研究針對有在遊戲類型App中消費過的玩家進行調查,透過整合性科技接受模型2 (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2, UTAUT2)來設計問卷,並將問卷分成基本資料(年齡、性別、使用經驗)、績效預期、努力預期、社會影響、促成條件、享樂動機、價格價值以及習慣等八個部份進行分析,來了解使用者在遊戲App中的持續購買意圖,並幫助遊戲開發商制訂完善的商業模式,使消費者持續的玩遊戲並於App中進行消費。本研究以問卷調查法的方式蒐集了383份有效樣本,最後以IBM SPSS Amos統計軟體進行分析,來探討有關使用者於遊戲App中持續購買加值服務的意圖等相關因素。本研究結果發現,本研究列出巴哈姆特遊戲排行榜上前十一名當中,最受受訪者喜愛的遊戲類型前三名皆為遊戲操作上較為簡單的益智類遊戲,且大多數受訪者認為加值服務的有用程度以及消費流程的簡易程度,不影響其消費的意願。而在購買物品時,大多數的女生比男生更需要他人的幫助。


In the recent years, APP developers start to focus on the In-APP Purchases which makes users pay for more content in the application. This study aims at the players who had paid in the game type application to investigate through the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2(UTAUT2) designing the questionnaire. This study plans the questionnaire into eight parts to analyze, which are Basic Information, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, and Habit to understand the intension of continued purchase in the game type application. In the meantime, it will help the game developers to formulate a consummate business model, making consumers keep playing games so that they will keep purchasing. This study bases on Questionnaire Survey collecting 383 valid questionnaires, and then using IBM SPSS Amos to analyze the users’ intension and the related factors of continued purchase in the game type applications. The results of this study discover that the top three games are puzzle type which is easy to start. And the most respondents consider that the usefulness of the In-APP Purchase and the ease of the purchase process will not affect the intension of consumption. And while purchasing, most females need more helps than males.


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