  • 學位論文


Dialectical Thinking on Localization and Practice of Jay W.Chiu’s Architecture

指導教授 : 蔣雅君


本研究旨1980年以降台灣建築發展則以商品化的消費為取向,建立幾乎已全然被塑造為過於物化的狀態,建築成為一種商品;同時也意味著建築與人類社會之間已經產生了一種斷裂的關係。90年代,在經歷政治轉型以及九二一地震,此趨勢有了新的氣象,建築師們共同地面對台灣的城鄉地景,並藉以不同的建築構築實驗和論述,這些所謂的後九二一的中生代建築師們都在尋找所謂的「在地性格」和「人文關懷」,開創了一系列在台灣地景風貌之間所謂的台灣當代本土建築。故本研究以邱文傑建築師當作主要的研究對象,透過他的建築作品脈絡拉出一條軸線,試著去釐清台灣當代建築的一個面向,進而去探討當代整體社會環境與建築文化的意義及影響為何。 本研究透過現場勘查與深度訪談,進而對邱文傑建築師建築實踐進行初步分析,將歸類為兩個時期,分別為「九二一地震教育園區前」時期:以「建築現代性」、「紀念性」,去論述現代主義涵構範疇現代主義建築形式,追求一種新的式樣,以單純造形要素重構視覺經驗,建築內外部邏輯的一致性,著重在於建築造形的面和體的表現,之後則是「後九二一」時期:試探現代主義所進行的一系列辯證後進入到重新思考建築的本質的狀態,進而論述建築師透過重新反省在地,重新思考建築的本質的狀態,透過案例分析去論述建築師「在地性」的體現與台灣當代「建築現象的構築化」的生成。


Since the 1980s, Taiwan’s architectural development has been product-oriented; this almost thorough materialization has made architect urea commodity, which means a broken relationship has emerge between architecture and the human society. In the 1990s when political transformations and the 921 earthquake occurred, this trend hada new atmosphere. Architects are commonly facing Taiwan’s urban and rural landscapes, conducting different structural experiments and opening up discussions. Thesepost-921 middle-aged architects have been dedicated to "localization" and "humane care" to create a series of contemporary localized buildings among Taiwan’s landscapes. This study, therefore, focuses on architect Jay W.Chiu, whose works of architecture are deemed as the baseline to help clarify the aspect of Taiwan’s contemporary architecture, and further explore the significance and impact of the overall social environment and architectural culture. Through site surveys and in-depth interviews, a preliminary analysis of architect Jay W.Chiu’s architectural practice was carried out in this study. The analysis classified his practice in to two periods, namely "pre-921 Earthquake Museum" and "post-921". The former discusses the scope of modernism and modern categories of architecture by means of "architectural modernity" and "monumentality". They are in pursuit of a new genre, which reconstructs visual experience and the entire logic of architecture with simple elements. They also value the representations of architectural façade and body. The latter explores a series of dialectical process from modernism to the state of rethinking the nature of architecture. This period also discusses the architect who reflects on localization and rethinks the nature of architecture. Through a case study, the architect’s "localization" embodiment and Taiwan’s contemporary "architectural tectonics" are discussed.


 黃金麟、汪宏倫、黃崇憲(2010)《帝國邊緣 : 台灣現代性的考察》: 群學
 單德興(2007),《創傷,回憶,和解:析論林瓔的越戰將士紀念碑》,聯經出版
 施植明、姜建宇、陳林蔚(2008),《擬仿的地域主義-黃聲遠的宜蘭經驗》,
 城市與設計學報,2006年19-20期,<房子、棚子與摺子:「黃聲遠」與「邱文傑(大涵)」在地建築作品的德勒茲式複性建構>,P.117-215、P.203
 陳佳利(2007),《
