  • 學位論文


A Case Study Of Supply-Chain Restructure Behavior Of Taiwan Motor Industry In Mainland China

指導教授 : 蔡渭水


本文旨在針對即將進入世界貿易組織的台灣汽車零組件產業,如何在大陸重構供應網路,以因應日益激烈的競爭環境,並追求生存與發展機會。 根據大陸東南汽車公司三十家台商協力廠為研究對象,基於各家產品行業類別、零件技術程度與技術來源、交易成本與客戶屬性等因素,零組件廠商進入大陸所採用的策略類型歸納成以下五種: 一、借力使力Ⅰ類型:廠商大陸廠為獨資建廠,在大陸生產自行開發製程技術的產品,藉東南汽車主機廠之網路關係擴展至其他合資車廠客戶,提升對主機廠依存度的大陸經營策略。 二、借力使力Ⅱ類型:廠商大陸廠以獨資建廠,生產的產品為技術母廠的技術,在當地透過技術母廠之協力體系關係而將零件供應其他汽車廠客戶,對技術母廠依賴度不變,對主機廠的依存度降低的大陸經營策略。 三、策略聯盟Ⅰ類型:廠商大陸廠與技術母廠合資、並與當地國營生產機構合資或與同業策略聯盟,利用技術母廠知名品牌及中方合資夥伴關係打入當地合資汽車供應體系,藉由與同業或中方合資降低了技術母廠掌控度,提升對主機廠依存度的大陸經營策略。 四、左右逢源類型 :廠商大陸廠與技術母廠合資,利用技術母廠網路、知名品牌拓展客戶、另外與第二技術母廠合資或與中方合資之網路關係發展以達積極擴充市場之目的,廠商對技術母廠依賴度不變,對主機廠的依存度降低的大陸經營策略。 五、策略聯盟Ⅱ類型:廠商大陸廠投資由於建廠資金龐大,為降低營運風險,與主機廠及同業合資建廠,營運則完全依附主機廠,降低了技術母廠掌控度,提升對主機廠依存度的大陸經營策略。 此外發現零組件製造廠在大陸生產除降低交易成本外,與技術母廠互動是另外考量的目的,藉由技術母廠的網路與知名品牌有利於拓展客戶,或降低其掌控度以擺脫技術合約的桎梏為目的。


This thesis presents a case study of reconstructing networks for Taiwan motor Industry to find more development opportunities as well as to seek more competitive advantages in Mainland China. The target groups in this study cons 30 subsidizing manufacturing companies (SMC) from Southeast Motor Company (SEM) in Mainland China. Five types of strategies are used by the target groups and these are divided based on factors of manufacturing products, facility of equipment, sources of skills, transaction cost, and groups of customers involved in this study. Type 1 Strategy: SMC in China is established to operate their own factories entirely with their own capital. They develop their own technique and produce their own products by using their own skills. SMC can use parent manufacturing companies (PMC) network relationships to extend their markets, and they can rely on head quarter (HQ). HQ refers to SEM. Type 2 Strategy: SMC in China is established to operate their own factories entirely with their own capital. Their techniques for producing the product are from PMC. Locally, SMC can offer products to more markets; therefore, the relationship between PMC and SMC remains the same, but decreases interdependent relationship with HQ. Type 3 Strategy: SMC in China and PMC are to pool capital for business. SMC and state enterprises are to pool capital for business; therefore, SMC can enter local Mobil Company systems. SMC can utilize PMC’s reputation to extend their markets. Because SMC will be cooperating with state enterprises, SMC will be less controlled, and it will increase the relationship with HQ working more closely than before the development of this relationship. Type 4 Strategy: SMC in China and PMC are to pool capital for business. SMC can utilize PMC’s network and reputation to extend their markets. The interdependence between PMC and SMC remains the same, but PMC will depend on HQ less than before. Type 5 Strategy: SMC, HQ, and other factories of the same trade are to pool capital for business in order to decrease investment risk. HQ completely controls the business operation. In this case, PMC has less control, and SMC will rely on HQ more. In sum, the five strategies are practiced not only to try to decrease transaction cost for SMC, but also to increase reciprocity between SMC and PMC’s skills. SMC will be able to use PMC network relationships to extend their markets. The purpose of this relationship is also to decrease PMC’s domination in the markets as well as to get rid of PMC’s control of skilled contracts.


6、車輛工業月刊第89期, p1~p4,台灣區車輛工業同業公會發行,華岡興業印刷
13、國際車輛產業情報月刊第82 期(2000.11),p9~p12 台灣區車輛工業同業公會發行,華岡興業印刷
1、Agarwal,Ramaswami(1992)”Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode:Impact of Ownership,Location and Internalization Factors”pp1~25
