  • 學位論文


Integrated Model of Quality Element's Measurement

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


全球化趨勢使國際市場競爭隨之加劇,為了在市場上佔有一席之地, ISO 9000系列之證書儼然成為國際間企業品質管理系統基本及驗證的應用標準。在2000年12月15日正式發佈ISO 9000:2000年新版本,其重要意義為:將一個系統性全面品質管理TQM模式,鼓勵以過程導向來發展、實施和改善品質管理系統的有效性,以藉由符合顧客的需求來強化顧客的滿意。就品質系統的運作而言,ISO 9000系列是邁向TQM的一個跳板。目前國際間有超過150個國家的35萬家企業,而國內則約有一萬家企業通過認可登錄受證。(戴久永,1996;George & Weimersk, 1994):TQM的主要目的是滿足顧客、超越顧客的需求,且改善公司的體質,提供顧客物超所值的產品與服務,提升公司的競爭力,應用差異化競爭策略而達到競爭優勢。而品質是由顧客來衡量的,是要滿足顧客需求,讓顧客滿意的,且〝顧客〞是服務品質唯一的決定者。而Gary Knight (1999)在1980~1998年間國際性服務行銷研究回顧一文中提到:未來研究方向應留意延伸國際性服務行銷所需要的理論、模型和架構。 本研究利用(1)楊錦洲學者(1999)提出的重要度—滿意度品質屬性貢獻模式;(2)Kano學者(狩野紀昭,1984)提出的二維模式;(3)P.Z.B.三位學者(1988)提出的SERVQUAL模式作為衡量外部顧客滿意的三個主架構。第一種模式:利於策略上運用、規劃,決定改善優先順序。第二種模式:將ISO 9000驗證業服務品質歸類(四種),瞭解顧客心中服務品質之類型與定位。第三種模式:衡量顧客對服務品質的期望與知覺,以探究其間的差距來源。將三種模式調查的結果分別建立新的改善綜合指標且予以整合。 研究結果發現:(1)改善係數衡量結果更可符合顧客所在意的服務品質,且簡單實用;(2)以Kano二維模式,可找出顧客心目中對驗證業之各服務品質屬性之定位;(3)相對CS係數比值可確認四大品質要素之歸類;(4)SERVQUAL模式應用於驗證業,能真實調查期望、知覺、實際認知服務品質以及SERVQUAL量表的實用性;(5)期望/重視、知覺/滿意、實際認知/滿意認知可互相取代;(6)多種模式分析較單一模式分析更能找出衡量之共同改善指標;(7)本研究結果可推估至台灣之驗證業;(8)綜合評比彙總改善指標:驗證流程22項;後續稽核20項應優先改善。


Duo to a demand for a place in the increasing worldwide international market competition Struggle, the ISO 9000 series certification was formed to set its basis and certify all concern international quality management standard. Last December 15, 2000, ISO 9000 released its year 2000 new edition, stressing its importance on a systematic Total Quality Management (TQM) model. Focusing on encouragement as a process for future development, implementation and improvement the effectiveness of a quality management system that conform customers’ request and finally achieving their maximum Satisfaction. In accordance to quality management system, ISO 9000 system directs to TQM as a stepping stone. At present, about 350,000 organizations all over the world from more than 150 countries including about 10,000 firms domestically have already been officially registered by the system. (Chiu-Yeong Tai, 1996; George & Weimersk, 1994): The important goal of TQM is to satisfy customers, surpass their demands and improve the company’s figure. To do this, it must provide customers the feeling of “excellent quality with reasonable price” service to achieve company’s competitive superiority in a divergent competitive strategy. Quality is based on customers’ evaluation and must therefore satisfy their demand to be able to please them. Besides, the “customer” is always the sole judge to service quality. Furthermore, Gary Knight (1999) mentioned in his “international services marketing: review of research, 1980-1998” that future research which can extend international services marketing with regard to needed theories, models and constructs. In this research, I’ve made use of three model frameworks: (1) Importance-Satisfaction Quality Elements Contribution Model by scholar Jiin-Jou Yang (1999). (2) Two-Way Model by scholar Kano (1984). (3) SERVQUAL Model by Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry (1988). All of the three major frameworks used to measure customer Satisfaction. The 1st model provides help strategy application, planing and determine sequence of improvement. The 2nd model is used to classify service quality of ISO 9000 series certification industry into four categories, thereby providing some understanding of what’s in customer mind regarding type, category and priority of service quality. The 3rd model is to measure the largest gap (P-E) score from the source by measurement of customers’ expectation & perception of service quality. Using the results of the three models’ survey separately and integrating them to build up a new improvement index. The results of this research showed that: (1) The results of the improvement coefficient measurement conforms more of what customer is concern about of service quality, which in turn can be simply applied. (2) In the Two-Way Model, we can determine from the minds of customers how they categorize service quality of certification industry. (3) The relative CS(Customer Satisfaction) coefficient ratio can confirm the four large category for quality. (4) SERVQUAL Model applied to certification industries can accurately investigate expectation, perception & percipience of service quality and based on practical application of SERVQUAL model. (5) Expectation/importance, perception/satisfaction, percipience/satisfactory-percipience can substitute each other. (6) Multiple model analysis measures more common improvement indexes than single model analysis. (7) The results of this study can be applied to ISO 9000 series certification industries in Taiwan. (8) Comprehensive improvement indexes: consist of 22 items in certification process and 20 items in surveillance audit.


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