  • 學位論文


The characteristics of small and medium switch enterprises affected toward the evolution of business operation in China With the ecology point of view.

指導教授 : 蔡渭水


本研究旨在探討台商於大陸投資設廠之企業營運型態演化狀況。嘗試使用生態演化觀點加以類比對照,了解企業營運型態演化過程中可能影響演化因素為何?企業營運如何突破演化成長限制之困境,讓企業營運能夠繼續演化,而達到企業營運最適生存型態。 本研究屬於探索型研究,採行個案訪談方式進行,探討對象為台灣中小型開關產業並於大陸廣東省地區設有組裝廠的企業做為研究樣本,研究樣本數為8家組裝廠,藉由此8家組裝廠之物種演化巨觀概念,可能產生的演化差異,做為演化型態之分野。 自然界中的物種構成演化有四個重要的因素,複製、變異、競爭以及選擇。本研究也以此四個重要因素做為企業營運型態演化之基本要素,將組裝廠之演化結果展現成企業營運演化類型。 本研究發現開關產業演化的核心為產品的技術能力,其中又以模具的開發技術能力最為重要。產品技術能力的高低直接影響營運型態演化,模具的開發技術能力展現出組裝廠對於資源掌控能力,如模具的擁有比率、模具技術複製比率及產品的加工程度等。故掌控其產品的核心能力是組裝廠必須重視的。 經本研究發現企業之演化呈現三種型態,優勢物種成長型演化、完全成長型演化及停滯成長型演化。將以此三種演化型態之管理意函做結論,並提供建議。 1. 優勢物種成長型演化:繼續保持其優勢做為同業之中的領導者,引為業界標竿。藉由既有優勢間接影響同業,提昇整個業界的產品技術、產品品級發展產業整體綜效。 2. 完全成長型演化:積極發展產品技術能力尤其是模具開發技術能力方面。藉由產品技術能力的提昇,嘗試開發異於同業之產品品項,開拓更寬廣的市場。 3. 停滯成長型演化:積極發展產品技術能力、模具開發技術能力養成、發展產品線的獨特性、爭取OEM代工機會等,均為此一型態演化之努力重點。若以上種種因素無法有效突破,而威脅企業營運時,建議此類型組裝廠可以轉換營運型態,諸如專業行銷型代理商或是專業代工型之加工廠。


演化 生態學 中小企業 大陸投資


The purpose of this research is to study the evolution of Taiwan investor's in China. This research makes comparisons from the view of biology evolution, which leads to understand the affection of business development. Organizations need to break up these limits to continue developing and fitting into the best serving condition. This is an investigative research, it uses real case study among several switch assembly factories, which founded in Taiwan with sub-company in Kwangtung province, China. There are eight assembly factories in this field, by using the biology evolution theory on them, the result variation and gap can be observed. The elements involved in natural evolutions are: duplicate, differentiate, compete, and modify. Every life in the natural all follows this progress as the foundation. This research bases on this theory combine with the organization character and evolutional limits to sort them up into categories. This research discovers the evolutional principal of switch industry is the product creativity, especially the molding tool developing ability. The performance of product creativity affects the development of business style. Nevertheless, the developing activity of new molding tools explores the controllability of assembly factories' sources, such as molding tools' availability, molding tools' duplicate developing skill and production procedures involvement. Hence, to manage each assembly factory's principals well is essential. This research discovers three styles of business operational evolution: dominants growth evolution, full-growth evolution and slow growth evolution. We take these three business styles into the conclusion and provide some suggestions as follows: 1. Dominants growth evolution: Keep being the leader of the industries and stand for the standard of the industries. With the existing advantages affects the same indusstries and upgrade the product skill, product development in the whole industry. 2. Full-growth evolution: Factories should be very aggressive to develop new products expecially the molding tool skill. With the enhance of developing activity factories can develope new products which are unique in the market and map into wide market. 3. Slow -growth evolution: This busienss style should make great efforts on developing products skill, molding development, uniqueness of products in the market and strive for getting OEM opportunities. If the factories can not break through the above suggestions, the enterprise faces the threatening of broken. This kind of busienss style may be able to change the operational style such as become the agent or the adding factory.


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