  • 學位論文


The Development of Port City Keelung during the Japanese Governance of Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


明治28年(1895)日本依馬關條約領有海外的第一個殖民地—臺灣,為了運送大量的人力及物資到臺灣,總督府選擇了具有天然港口條件且區位最靠近日本的基隆港作為全台第一個實施港口現代化的港灣,而基隆築港工程更牽動了市街的空間轉型,使得清末以服務戎克船為主的傳統港市經近代化的建設蛻變成為全台第一大港口都市,不論港口運作模式或都市空間型態乃至於都市生活皆大幅度改變,本論文將這基隆港口近代化最重要的50年依築港及市區改正規劃理念分為4階段進行論述: 第一階段為清末至日治初期所進行的小規模港口及市街空間改造,但整體港市空間仍維持傳統有機的市街型態,儘就港口深度及市街衛生進行救急性的建設。 第二階段為市區計劃時期,實質的計劃內容包含第二期築港工程(明治38年至昭和4年)及市區改正計劃(明治40年公佈),此時期的成果為內港的海岸碼頭、相關碼頭設備及運河全數完成,築港的填埋工程為市街增加了接近40,000坪的新生用地,整個市街敷地經填高之後改為平行於碼頭的棋盤系統,是基隆港市空間轉型最重要的奠基時期。 第三階段為港市擴張時期,實際的計劃內容包含第三期築港工程(昭和4年至昭和10年)及市區變更計劃(大正10年公佈)港口工程在既有成果下由內港往外港擴張,市區則往兩條運河上游延伸。相較於上一階段,此時有更豐富的都市公共設施,例如公共住宅、公園等等被建立,是此階段的都市空間發展特色。 第四階段為都市計劃時期的港市,計劃內容包含第四期築港工程(昭和10年至昭和20年)及基隆都市計劃(昭和12年公佈),由於都市計劃在觀念及手法上的突破,基隆港市在此階段有大幅擴張的趨勢,但因戰爭的關係,只能先就具有防災避難的公園、道路等先行實施,整體而言,都市計劃進行的成果有限。


港口 日治時期 基隆 都市


Japan occupied Taiwan as its first imperial colony in 1895.For transiting numerous Japanese and stuff to Taiwan, Keelung was chosen to be the first port to build because of its location and land form to be a good port. The port construction also promoted the urbanization of Keelung which was a small fishing village for Junk in Ching Dynasty. The process of modernization made Keelung the biggest port city in Taiwan. The operation of port had changed rapidly, and so did the city pattern and city life. This research aimed at analyzing the urban process of the port city Keelung, and was divided into four main development stages, each stage and development factors as described below: 1. The early developing stage: under governance of Spain、 Holland、 the Ming Dynasty and Ching Dynasty, Keelung was a small fishing village. After Japan seized Taiwan, Japanese government tried to improve the environment of Keelung by constructing sanitation. Totally speaking, Keelung still remained its traditional style of city structure. 2. In the second period, both city and port had great scale of development, including second stage of port construction and the first city planning. After this period of construction, the dock、 canal、 port facility of inner port had been established, and 132,000㎡ of land had been created by filling. The city pattern changed into grid system that was parallel to the dock. This was the fundamental period of Keelung’s urban process. 3. The expansion period included third stage of port construction and city area improvement planning. To meet the increasing need, the construction of port begun to expand to outer port, on the other hand, the city plan expanded the area up stream the canal. Relatively speaking, more social facilities, like public houses、parks had been built in this period than last one. This made Keelung a better place to live and also improved Keelung’s city image as an international port. 4. The forth period including the forth stage of port construction and the urban planning. Due to the Taiwan Urban Plan Act(1936),the urban plan of Keelung had great progress on both the scale of urban area and the method to carry out the plan. But both the port construction and urban plan did not go smoothly because of the war, still great part of the plans left to be practiced in the end of Japanese Governance.


port city the Japanese occupation era Keelung


總督府民政部    1895至1942(明治28年至昭和17年),《臺灣總督府事務成績提要》總督府內務局土木課    1929至1942(昭和4年至昭和17年),《土木事業概要》  
總督府內務局土木課    1930至1941(昭和5年至昭和16年),《土木事業統計年報》1896至1901(明治29年至明治34年),《台北縣報》    


