  • 學位論文

受評者與評核者對績效評核標準與評核目的 認知差異之研究 ─以G公司為實證對象

A Study on the Cognitive Distinction of Raters and Ratees for the Criteria and Purposes of Performance Appraisal A Case Study on G Company

指導教授 : 諸承明


人力資源管理在企業管理領域中,日漸抬頭並受到重視,實乃企業的存亡興衰繫於人才之良窳。而績效管理在人力資源管理中扮演極為重要的角色,故日近績效管理、目標管理在企業經營管理上幾成顯學。 本研究以績效評核來源─主管評核、自我評核之個體特性為前因變數,以績效評核之評核標準接受度、評核目的重要性為後果變數;選定一家上市電子通訊業公司為實證分析對象,經由學術理論探討,研究方法、研究假設建構到問卷調查和研究發現,我們可歸納出下列主要結論。 (1)不管是受評者或評核者基本上均能認同以工作成果或關鍵績效值做為評核標準。 (2)就績效評核落實度而言,主管們反應出深刻期許。 (3)年資愈高之主管愈能接受以人格特質或行為過程做為評核標準,似乎反應出管理應質、量兼顧。 (4)較高教育程度者,對於工作目標管理值之設定,偏向於由主管和受評者共同協商方式設定。 (5)對於以專業品質做為評核標準項目,年齡愈低之中階主管愈能接受,表示其對於自己的專業或技能之信心。 (6)就評核之管理目的而言,在做為人員解雇的決策和做為工作晉級、調任或降級之判斷上,咸認為不應單純由評核結果來決定,尚有其他重要考慮因素可茲參考。 確記,員工績效評核乃組織定期與不定期地對員工的工作能力和表現進行有系統的定,使為衡量、激勵與發展組織人力之基礎,最終的目的與精神是讓企業與員工兩者皆能獲得雙贏的結果─組織獲利與員工個人成長。


Human resources management is playing a more and more important role in enterprise management, as the key to the success of a company is its human resources. Performance Management is playing a critical role in human resources management. This is why recently performance management and objectives management have become fields of study in enterprise management. This study has taken the key players in performance appraisal, the supervisor and the individual and their specifics , as the cause, and taken the level of acceptance of performance appraisal criteria and the importance of appraisal purpose as the result. It has selected a public electronics telecommunication company for the case study. After academic research, methodology and assumptions building and survey, we can summarize the following: (1)Generally speaking, raters and ratees all agree that work achievements and key performance index should be used as the evaluation criteria. (2)In regards to the level of performance appraisal implementation, supervisors have shown much expectation. (3) Supervisors have shown more acceptance of using individual’s characteristics and their behavior as evaluation criteria. It shows that management should focus on both quality and quantity. (4)Those of higher education tend to prefer mutually agreeing, between raters and ratees, on determining the work objectives index. (5)On using professional skills as evaluation criteria items, ratees of younger ages have higher level of acceptance, which shows that they are confident in their professional skills. (6)On the purpose of managing the evaluation, all think that decisions on employee termination, promotion, transfer and demotion should not rely simply on the performance appraisal results. There are other important items to be taken into consideration. Thus, performance appraisal is the regular and irregular systematic rating by organizations to the work competencies and performance of their employees, and it’s the fundamental element of measuring, motivating and developing organizations’ human resources. The final purpose is to achieve the win-win aid for both the organization and its employees – profitability for the organization and development for the employees.


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史書慧(2006)。績效考核制度變革成效之評估 —某中小企業之個案研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200600298
