  • 學位論文

美國存託憑證之外溢效果與動態反應分析 ---以總體經濟變數為實證

The Analysis of Spillover Effects and Dynamic Responses for ADR---An Empirical Study of Macroeconomic Factors

指導教授 : 陳若暉




This paper demonstrated the spillover and dynamic effects to analyze the relationship between macroeconomic variables between American Depositary Receipt(ADR) listed by public companies for the nine Asia-Pacific countries. We use time series model, including ADF for unit root test, Granger causality test, Vector autoregression and GARCH(1,1)-MA(1). The period of this paper is a weekly data from 1998.01.01 to 2001.08.31. The result shows that stock index influenced interest rate and exchange rate in most countries, and the stock index of Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan impacted interest rate and exchange rate at the same time. With respects to ADR price and macroeconomic factors, the results included that stock index has significantly influenced ADR price, and the next is ADR price that impacted exchange rate and stock index. As the result, ADR price and stock index existed two-way causality. Finally, from the spillover effect perspective, it’s the most significant that ADR price existed volatility spillover effect with stock index of the nine Asia-Pacific countries, the secondary is ADR price existed the rate of return effect for stock index. However, the negligible spillover effect is the influenced of stock index with ADR price. This implied that the investment behavior of the investors of Asia-Pacific country impacted by ADR trading of the previous day.


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