  • 學位論文

逆向岩坡傾倒破壞分析程式 TOP 之視窗化與應用

Windowization and Application of a Topping Failure Analysis Program of Anaclinal Rock Slopes - TOP

指導教授 : 葛德治 馮道偉


台灣山地的地質條件極為複雜與脆弱,因此邊坡穩定與邊坡災害防制等實為重要的課題。在邊坡破壞模式中傾倒破壞主要發生於不連續面發達的岩體,且大多數發生於逆向坡。傾倒破壞是屬於漸進式破壞,一但誘發,即會持續進行並逐漸向坡內擴大擾動範圍,因此對傾倒破壞的研究與分析實需更深入瞭解與研究之。 過去傾倒破壞的分析方法多採運動學分析,近年來則有以 Goodman and Bray 之岩坡穩定分析理論為基礎的分析程式(如TOP修正版)的出現,針對逆向岩坡的塊體傾倒破壞提供了較為精確的分析,但由於TOP為一DOS的分析程式,需花費極多的時間在邊坡坡形的座標轉換上,且若要進行削坡、移除覆土等工程模擬時,就需要將資料重新輸入,甚為不便。因此萌生將TOP改版成視窗化之程式,利用視窗化所見即所得、滑鼠指標的優點,從根本上來解決TOP輸入的困擾,視窗化後的TOP程式,定名為TOPWin。 本論文將特別介紹TOPWin之視窗化方法與視窗化程式撰寫之要點,以供其他面臨相同問題之DOS分析程式視窗化時所需之經驗傳承。 本論文並且利用TOPWin快速的輸入與輸出的優點,分別針對不同的四項因子:削坡角(α)、底角(δ)、岩塊寬(w)、弱面傾角(σ)所構成之邊坡,分析其所需之極限摩擦角(ψL),最後共取得了近四千組資料,然後再利用倒傳遞類神經網路對此資料做一系列之參數研究,以瞭解何者是影響傾倒破壞之最大因素,並推估出一簡略之極限摩擦角(ψL)評估公式,以利日後工程設計、破壞整治之所需。 最後,本論文尚使用TOPWin來針對三個案例作案例研究,由實際的操作中顯示視窗化之TOPWin確實具有便利與快速的優點。


Because of its inferior geological conditions and environmental factors, intense geological hazards like slope failures have been a serious issue in Taiwan. Among several modes of slope failure, toppling always happens in the anaclinal rock slopes composed of one single steeply-dipping discontinuity set. Toppling is one type of progressive failures, in which the disturbed zone will gradually extend inward the slope after initiation. Accordingly, the analysis and the corresponding remedy of toppling failures really deserve a further investigation. The toppling failure mechanism used to be analyzed by the kinematics analysis, limit equilibrium method (LEM), model testing, and discrete numerical analysis. Among them, the Goodman & Bray stability analysis program as one kind of LEM provides a good estimator for block-type toppling failures, followed by a DOS-based program, TOP being written in 1994. However, it is in-convenient for TOP to deal with I/O matters in a DOS environment like other DOS-based programs. The primary goal of this thesis is to rewrite the TOP code into a graphic-user-interface (GUI) program, named TOPWin. The corresponding coding framework was presented in detail herein, which might provide a valuable reference for wondowizing the other DOS-base programs. The completed TOPWin code was then adopted to perform a sensitivity study of four parameters (slope angle α, base angle δ, block width w, and joint dip angle s) on the limiting friction angle fL of a regular rock slope. About 4000 sets of (α, δ, w, s, fL) were generated and subsequently used by a Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) program to study their significance sequence and to establish a simple predictive formula of fL. Finally, three field case studies were conducted to illustrate the convenience, speediness, and flexibility of the TOPWin code.


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