  • 學位論文


The Study of Credit Card Crime

指導教授 : 黃朝義


摘 要 隨著社會的進步及無現金交易時代的來臨,信用卡之使用愈形普遍,相對地,在無良善完備之防制措施下,信用卡的便利性亦成為投機者藉以詐財的管道,使信用卡犯罪之比率及損害金額逐漸攀升。為維護我國信用卡交易制度之健全與活絡,確保持卡人享有用卡之安全,並促進我國經濟之發展,實應針對信用卡犯罪日益猖獗之因素對症下藥,提出妥適而有效的解決之道。 本文共分五章,第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、研究目的、研究方法及研究限制。 第二章為我國信用卡交易制度,說明信用卡之定義、功能及探討其法律性質,並介紹我國信用卡交易之流程、當事人法律關係及交易現況,俾利對信用卡之使用及交易有初步瞭解。 第三章為信用卡犯罪現況、成因分析及不法內涵,列出我國目前信用卡犯罪之數據比率,瞭解信用卡犯罪之嚴重性及大致走勢,並分析對於我國造成鉅額損害之信用卡犯罪其發生成因為何,最後探討信用卡犯罪之本質及與經濟犯罪之關連性,以作為罪責判斷及提出有效解決之道之準據參考。 第四章為信用卡犯罪之類型及其刑事責任,係本文之重點,除介紹與我國同為大陸法系之日本、德國及信用卡制度發源地之美國及鄰近國家之信用卡相關法令外,並針對我國各項信用卡犯罪類型及手法輔以案例說明,及彙整刑事責任之適用,最後就外國及我國之立法上有何缺失作探討及分析,俾憑於下一章節就法律面提出合理及完整之建議。 第五章為結論─防制之道與建議事項,本文就信用卡業者、特約商店、持卡人及政府機關等部分,一一歸納整理應改善之建議及努力方向。另本章重點在於嘗試對於立法面提出增修法律之建議,以期藉由必要及完備之法之強制與規範,穩定信用卡交易秩序,減少利用信用卡遂行詐財目的之行為。


信用卡 犯罪


Abstract With the modernization of society and the coming of cashless era, credit card is becoming more and more pervasive. In this vein, if no complete crime prevention mechanism is established, the convenience realized by credit card can be manipulated by criminals as a tool of fraud, increasing the ratio of credit card crime and the financial loss. In order to secure the consumption security of card holders, and promote the economic development in our country, it is necessary to conduct a study focusing on the reasons causing the increasingly rampant credit card crimes, and propose a set of appropriate and effective solutions. This thesis contains five chapters. Chapter 1 presents the introduction, explaining the research motivation, research goal, research methodology, and the research constraints. Chapter 2 presents the credit card transaction system in our country, elaborating the concepts of credit cards, in terms of its definition, function, and its legal status. Furthermore, this chapter also introduces the process of credit card interaction in our country, the legal relations between involved parties, and the current condition of credit card interaction, in order to provide fundamental understanding of credit card usages and interactions. Chapter 3 presents the current condition of credit card crimes, the analysis of credit card crime factors, and the factual behaviors of credit card crimes. In this chapter, there is a list concerning the ratio of current credit card data in our country, indicating the seriousness of credit card crimes and its rough trend in our country. This chapter also analyzes the causing factors of credit card crime, which has results in large loss in our country. In order to provide an object reference of crime responsibility judgment and an effective solving method, the final section of this chapter discusses the intrinsic characteristics of credit cards, and their association with economic crime. Chapter 4 presents the types of credit card crime and their responsibility in terms of criminal laws. This chapter is the major focus of this essay, and introduces the card-related laws of several countries, including two other Civil Law countries as our country, Japan and Germany, the origin country of credit card system, U.S., and our neighboring countries. Furthermore, this chapter provides several case studies, inflecting each type of credit card crime, and application of criminal liability. The final section of this chapter discusses and analyzes the deficiencies of the legal systems of our country and other countries, according to which more reasonable and complete suggestions can be proposed. Chapter 5 presents the conclusion of this thesis, including the credit card crime prevention methods and other relative suggestions. This thesis proposes detailed improvement suggestions toward credit card companies, special authorized stores, card holders and governments. On the other hand, the major point of this chapter is intending to propose a suggestion of adding and amending laws, with the hope that, through necessary and complete law enforcement and requirement, the credit card interaction can be ordered and stabilized, and the credit card crime can be decreased.


credit card crime


5. 財政部金融局金融法規通函彙編第九輯,八十二年六月。
6. 財政部金融局金融法規通函彙編第十二輯,八十二年十二月。
7. 財政部金融局金融法規通函彙編第十四輯,八十三年四月。
8. 財政部金融局金融法規通函彙編第二十輯,八十四年四月。
9. 財政部金融局金融法規通函彙編第二十八輯,八十五年八月。



