  • 學位論文

人力成本精簡方案和員工個人特質,對工作態度與生涯規劃認知相關研究 ――以新竹科學園區積體電路產業為例

Effects of Workrer Force Reduce and Employees Individual Characteristic on Work Attitudes and Perceptions of Carrer Plan- -Hsin-chu Science-Base Industrial Park Itegrated Circuit Companies as an Example

指導教授 : 吳美連 曹國雄


摘 要 我國經濟在過去數年間陷於空前嚴峻的處境,一方面是受到國際景氣持續低迷的影響;另方面由於國內首次出現政黨輪替,在未完全調適下,致使企業界信心動搖,外加近幾年來中國大陸以其政經情勢的改變,具有廣大的商機,是國內企業紛紛出走的主因。而新政府為急切改善整體環境,對攸關民生經濟重大且極具爭議之政策(如核四停建、縮減工時等),卻未能妥善處理,造成企業界更大之衝擊,不得不採裁員、減薪或縮短工時等人力成本精簡措施;而國人身處臨此一劇變中面臨失業減薪的危機,為了不被淘汰,則將重新評估個人生涯規劃。 本研究主要就大環境的影響下,企業瀕臨生存危機所採取的精簡措施中對員工衝擊最大的人力成本精簡方案加以探討,並對員工身處在動盪的職場中,對組織承諾、工作滿足與生涯規劃認知間的關係是否因而有所改變,進而探究對產業發展是否會造成重大之影響。


Abstract The domestic economy has sunk into the unprecedented worst situation. In one facet, it is influenced by the continual sagging of international boom. On the other hand, owing to the domestic political party takes turn for the first time, the domestic enterprises can not totally adapt to this situation, their confidence become shaky. Additionally, the political and economical situations in main land China has been changed a lot in recently years, there are lots of economic opportunities cause the domestic enterprise to run away. Our new government is too desperately to improve the overall environment to properly solve our civil and economic problems such as: the suspension of the No.4 Nuclear Power Plant and the cut of working hours. Under such a great impact the domestic enterprises have no choice but to adopt some manpower trimming measures such as laying off the employess, reducing their salaries, and cutting down their labor hours. For the sake of not being eliminated by this new risk, our people should reevaluate their personal career plan. The thesis researches on the biggest impact, the trimming of manpower, among the trimming measures adopted by the enterprise on the verge of existing crisis. Under this unstable career, will the employees’ organization commitment, satisfaction on job, and career plan change? Will these changes make a great influence on industry development?


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