  • 學位論文


The Development of Taiwanese Architecture under the Influence of the Policy of Self-Strengthening Movement.〈1863~1895〉

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


1858年(咸豐8年)天津條約的簽定使臺灣正式開埠,也開啟了清廷洋務政策對臺影響的扉頁,在建築活動方面1863年(同治2年)首先出現了由洋官建造、使用的新海關,使得臺灣地區的官衙建築有了新的面貌。至1874年(同治13年)的牡丹社事件後,證實了臺灣地位攸關全中國海防安全的事實,因此清廷派來了許多具有深厚洋務背景的官員加速建設,於是洋務事業的推行在臺灣甚囂塵上,相關建築活動暢旺,亦使建省後的臺灣在短短數年內,頗有全國模範省之架勢。惟因史料及實物所存有限的狀況下,這個範疇的研究成果相當有限。 本研究以文獻史料的考證為基礎,田野調查為輔,建構了清末臺灣在洋務運動下,所進行之主要建築活動的全面概念,其內容包括新式官衙、洋式燈塔、洋式礮臺、電報局、近代產業建築、新式軍器工廠、新式學堂、鐵路建設等,及近代都市規劃的初期觀念。 論文的架構針對臺灣洋務政策下建築活動的產生特性,區分洋官及華官兩條軸線來研究其發展歷程,首先以發生時間點較早的洋官系統開始討論。洋官系統為負責關稅事務的新海關主導,這是一個完全「洋化」而獨立的機構,故可以徹底的將洋務表現在軟體的管理層面,及硬體的設施上,成果具成熟的近代化,主要的建築活動有新海關及洋式燈塔。華官系統則屬原有官僚體系的一支,在時間軸上以牡丹社事件為起始點,以建省為轉折的關鍵,至1895年(光緒21年)清廷對臺政權終止,其間產生的相關建築活動豐富,初期以軍防為建設重心,臺灣建省之後亦加入商務及民生設施的考量。 華、洋官因為產生背景及執行系統的不同,在建築興建體制、土地問題、建築風格及構造技術等,呈現不同的特色與問題,本論文嚐試探討其表象的背後,有關涉及政治制度及人為等的諸多影響,期望對清末臺灣洋務運動本質的了解,提供新的思考方向。


The signature of Tianjin Treaty by 1858, Shian-Feng 8th year, contributes the openness of commercial ports in Taiwan, and then also enlightens the commercial policy at Mandarin Dynasty. There were some western-style Customs Office buildings designed by foreigners in 1863, Tung-Ji 2 st year. Because Mou-tan-sheh Accident in 1874, Tung-Ji 13 th year, Mandarin understood Taiwan was an important status for China Sea Safety Defense, then, sent a lot of officers experienced in western affairs to Taiwan and improved the development of Taiwan, so there were many non-Chinese-style buildings here and there in Taiwan. In a very short time, Taiwan was to be a model in China. However, there are only few historical researches we can find at present. This research is based on historical background investigation trying to integrate a whole concept in the development of Taiwanese Architecture under the influence of the policy of self-strengthening movement in 1863-1895. The contents of this thesis are included: Customs Office buildings, coastwise lights, western forts, Telegraph Office, Modern industrial buildings, western weapon factories, western school, railway and primary urban planning concepts. Based on some characteristics, the thesis divides the contents into two issues- Foreign Mandarin Officer System and Mandarin Officer System- to discuss the process of development. The Foreign Mandarin Officer System was former than the other one. The part of Foreign Mandarin Officer System discusses the foreigners managed Customs Affairs. It was an independent office to handle all the related affairs, so it was completely showed western style in management and buildings. The main performances were in Customs Office buildings and coastwise lights. The other system is Mandarin Officer System began at Mou-tan-sheh Accident in 1874 and ended in 1895,Guang-Shiu 21 th year. There were many various architecture activities during those days. According to the different cultures and management styles, the foreign officers and Mandarin officers presented different ways in buildings, land planning, architecture styles, and structure technique etc. This thesis tries to discuss those viewpoints and hopes provide some new ideas for those who were interested in this field.


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