  • 學位論文

以「褪」為進: 921災後中寮巧手植物染婦女自主產業之經驗研究

Dyeing as Empowerment An Empirical Study of Female Autonomy Farming Business in Post-921 Earthquake Recovery Area: A Case of Zhao-sho Plant Dye Studio, Chungliao, Nantou

指導教授 : 喻肇青


以「褪」為進: 921災後中寮巧手植物染婦女自主產業之經驗研究 私立中原大學建築研究所碩士學位論文 中華民國91年7月 指導教授:喻肇青 先生 研究生:楊金燕 論文摘要 九二一地震災後重建,舉凡硬體的都市計畫,住宅重建,到生活底層心靈關懷,歷史記憶的保存,直到晚近一年裡產業生存、振興的議題,無不關連到整個社區結構,社區關係重組的問題。然而,令人意外的是,對性別關係、女性角色的可能變化,卻缺少應該有的注意。我們可以理解這種對女性議題的忽視,源自於根深柢固的男性主導的社會結構,以及由其中衍生的資源分配的不平等,但是更重要的是,社會論述對「女性經驗」系統性的忽視可能更為關鍵。我們習慣地以為政治、經濟等議題是公共領域主要的關注,而這些議題「正好」都是男性主宰的領域,因此女性的需要,家庭的需要,如果不是不存在(被視為查某ㄟ代誌),就是理所當然認為公共領域的資源分配問題解決後,就會陸續解決。 本研究建立在筆者於九二一災後,在中寮鄉一年多來以行動研究的方式,參與觀察「中寮植物染巧手工作室」的田野工作上。在這個個案裡,筆者提出二個值得討論的面向。首先,災後農村產業的重建,婦女擔當了重要的一環,這樣的情形不僅有著災後重建的特殊性,更因為台灣加入WTO後整個社會經濟結構劇烈震盪下,為位居邊緣且弱勢的農村產業謀求生路的展現。其次,災變後的婦女因著社會資源與外來協力的進入,能夠組織起來投入到社區的產業,在這個過程中,她們對自我的認識產生變化,而這種變化對傳統農村的女性角色及原有的社區結構產生了一定的衝擊。 筆者更希望從這個個案裡,指出這群農村婦女如何經由手工藝產業的開創,「首度」踏入社區,進而參與公共事務;雖然這個「新」的產業恰好是符合傳統「男耕女織」性別分工的植物染織,但是「巧手工作室」集體工作的方式,以及它所接觸的市場邏輯運作,可以帶給這群婦女新的社區角色,與這個角色所可能開展的女性意識。 關鍵字:九二一、中寮、災後重建、公共領域、社區產業、農村婦女、女性意識


Dyeing as Empowerment An Empirical Study of Female Autonomy Farming Business in Post-921 Earthquake Recovery Area: A Case of Zhao-sho Plant Dye Studio, Chungliao, Nantou By Chin-yen Yang Thesis Advisor:Associate Professor Chao-Ching Yu Submitted to the Graduate School of Architecture, Chung-Yung Christian University,Taiwan 2002 in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Architecture Abstract Throughout reconstruction process of post 921 earthquake, it is the rehabilitation of the fabric and social relations of community that takes the center stage, connecting with various important issues from physical design of urban planning and individual house to more invisible psychological healing and historical memory preservation, even issue of business survival, and recuperation recently. Surprisingly, however, little attention has been paid to gender relations and potential roles of women during the process. It is not surprised, meanwhile, that the ignorance of women issues is rooted in a deep-ingrained male dominated society. The inequality of resources distribution between sexes because of it is also to be blamed. Other than the reasons based upon the material forces above-mentioned, the systematic ignorance more lies in, I think, the exclusion of women experiences” from the public discourse. It is commonly assumed that the discourse in the public sphere devotes itself largely in the political and economic themes, which “ happen” to be a field commanded by male power. As a result, womens needs and familys needs are problems either dismissed as Zha-mao things” (literally, womens things in a disdain sense) in private sphere, or to be in turn resolved as long as resources distribution is settled in the public sphere. The thesis is based on fieldwork I have conducted at Zhao-sho Plant Dye Studio” in Chungliao, Nantou, for more than a year, in the wake of the 921 earthquake. Participant observation, along with action research,” is my major methods. In this case, I focus on two points. First, women play a very important role in resuscitating farming business in farming villages. It results in part from the special adjustment to the dire post-quake situation; it is more a strategy adopted by the marginalized and weakly farming villages to survive in a fierce socio-economic restructuring, caused by the introduction of Taiwan into WTO. Second, with the assistance of NGOs, Zhao-sho female workers were able to participate in post-quake rehabilitation of farming business. In spite the fact that this new” craft industry was built along traditional gender division, namely, men plow and women weave,” Zhao-sho Plant Dye Studio worked as a collective, in opposition to market logic to certain extent. And this is a process that would have had impacts on traditional gender division and the functioning of community in farming villages. Learning from this case, I would like to point out that by the establishment of craft industry, Zhao-sho female workers, for the first time, were able to appear in a public forum. The ways they joined have transformed their self-consciousness. This new female consciousness may contribute to a different gender role in community. Key Words:921, Chungliao, Recovery Area, Public sphere, Community, Female consciousness




徐榮鉦(2004)。「巧手起厝」: 921重建區中寮鄉植物染巧手工作坊參與式起厝經驗〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200400038
