  • 學位論文


A Study on the Numerical Simulation of the Thermo-fluidic Phenomena in the Fluidized Bed Combustor

指導教授 : 鄧治東


為防止污染源擴散,偵消作業所衍生之廢棄物不宜移地處理,而封裝及就地掩埋更非良策,故具高度分解生化毒性能力之焚化處理儼然成為最佳之選擇。其中,效能高、機動性強之移動式焚化爐將為未來軍需。   焚化爐種類繁多,經現有資料比較,兼具環保與能源效能者以流體化床式較佳,加之坊間已有移動式流體化床焚化爐之規劃雛型,故本研究即以該型焚化爐燃燒化學兵部隊配賦之防護裝備-防護衣為基礎,先完成理論分析後,繼之運用PHOENICS套裝軟體模擬,經由改變爐內二次風及隔板數的影響,以探討其速度場及熱流場的變化,藉此提供該型焚化爐後續發展與設計參考。   研究結果發現,除軟體模擬功能受非線性變數限制外,本焚化爐設計雛型進入實體研究前,尚有部分問題如:進料、二次風空氣與冷卻水進、出口位置與爐體幾何結構改善,以及二次風移除熱量的功能大過渦旋強度,甚至爐體形狀等,均有待持續深入探討與解決。


To prevent the spread of contaminants, the waste of detection and decontamination is not to be disposed in place; nor is packaging and local burying suggested. The best option, therefore, falls on incinerator, by virtue of its performance in decomposing biochemical toxicity. Among various equipments, the movable incinerator, with its high efficacy and mobility, will be demanded in the foreseeable future.  Incinerators vary, while available documents inform us of better model of fluidized bed incinerator, capable of saving energy and protection environment. As people have been hatching plans on movable fluidized bed incinerator, the research is based on applying the model in burning the assigned protection equipment of chemical corps – the protective clothes.  Upon completing theoretical analysis, we follow by using the simulation software, PHOENICS. By means of controlling different secondary-air and baffle, we discuss the change of velocity and heat-flow fields, in an attempt to provide some reference for continuing incinerator development and design.  We discover from our research results some problems in addition to the limitation of simulating function by non-linear variables. These problems are the location of feed, the secondary-air and cooling water input and output, the improvement of incinerator structure, and the stronger effect of removing heat of secondary-air than the effect imposed by the vortex strength. All of them will be further investigated in the future.


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