  • 學位論文


A Study on Protection of the Confidentiality of Tax Returns and Related Information

指導教授 : 盛子龍


租稅資訊為納稅人之身分資訊、所得收入、財產狀況等私密資訊之總集合,只要能掌握納稅人之租稅資訊,人民之一切公、私行為活動,幾乎均得有效掌握。因此,國家機關甚或一般私人無不冀望取得納稅人之租稅資訊,來助其達成行政任務或實現私人利益。如何在納稅人之資訊隱私權利、國家機關之行政目的及一般私人之私益保護上取得一個妥善之平衡點,是本論文關心之焦點。   對於納稅人「資訊隱私權」保護,主要係以「目的拘束原則」此資料保護法上之基本原則為設計之主軸,但基於公益或私益之實現達成,仍有允許得為目的外使用之情形。為確保該原則不被過度架空,使國家在不同利用目的間之轉換能符合正當性、必要性之要求,關於此例外要件之規範,必須特別嚴格謹慎,使基於租稅行政目的而取得之納稅人租稅資訊,能在對納稅人資訊隱私權最小侵害或至少是近似於最小侵害之範圍內,提供納稅人之租稅資訊給非稅行政機關或一般私人。   為尋求租稅資訊之保護及揭露之平衡點,本論文分為五章來探討,第一章為「緒論」,第二章為「租稅資訊秘密保護之理論基礎」,第三章為「美國對於租稅資訊隱私保護之處理」,第四章為「我國對於租稅秘密保護之規範、實務運作及問題檢討」,第五章「結論」。本論文主要之論述重點置於第二章至第四章,期望藉由本文第二章所提出之租稅資訊隱私之核心保護措施,例如:告知義務、內外部監督機制,及參考美國聯邦稅法對於租稅資訊保護之建制分析,對於我國租稅資訊保護之現行規範內容及運作情形,提供一修正方向,使納稅人租稅資訊之保護及揭露設計能臻於妥善。


Tax returns and return information includes a taxpayer’s identity, the nature, source, or amount of his income, payments, assets, etc., which involves many private items of taxpayer. Governmental agencies or other persons all seek access to tax information in order to carry out their non-tax law enforcement responsibilities or other interest. The focus of the essay is how to balance between the taxpayer privacy and the government’s needs for tax information. “Purpose specification and use limitation principle ”is the primary principle of data protection. This principle is very important to the protection of information privacy of taxpayer; however, it still admits many exceptions. We need to provide which agencies should have access to tax return information, the conditions under which the return information should be made available, the extent of information made available, and the rules which must be followed by agency in maintaining the confidentiality of tax return information. In order to seek a reasonable balance between the two conflicting interests-taxpayer and government authorities-, the essay is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an overview of the topic. The second chapter is to discuss the taxpayer right of tax returns and return information. The third chapter is the introduction of protection of tax return information in the United States. The fourth chapter is relating the statute, practicing of the Republic of China, and issuing my recommendation. The last chapter is the conclusion. The author hopes using the core data protective measures which referring to the second chapter, such as notice, supervision, and the statute of the Internal Revenue Code of United States to improve our tax law scheme.


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李曜崇(2003)。從比較法觀點探討我國資訊防火牆 (中國牆)之法律佈局〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200300172

