  • 學位論文


A Study of Influence of CALS Strategy on the Effectiveness of Project Management Implementation - FOSMIS Project in CSIST as an Example

指導教授 : 耿筠 嚴奇峰 蔡渭水


摘  要 後勤現代化是國軍建軍與備戰非常重要的任務,CALS(軍備壽期資訊管理)是推動後續維持管理資訊系統(FOSMIS)之策略基礎,即針對中科院製武器系統部署成軍後,提供軍種及中科院相關單位之後續維持資訊與分析服務的資訊系統,其目的在使院製武器系統撥交軍種使用期間,發揮最大效能。 FOSMIS資訊系統係採Web-Based架構的多層分散式資訊系統,系統規劃設計以中科院的CITIS(合約商整合性技術資訊服務)為入口網站,並利用軍種現有之後勤管理資訊系統來轉送、蒐集各軍種之補給、保修作業相關資料。由於FOSMIS資訊系統係以顧客關係為導向之資訊系統,除了能夠針對各軍種的需求予以分析規劃外,並協助計畫管理,以確實滿足軍種需求。 本研究主要的訪談對象為軍種維修體系中的基層技術人員及管理人員,以深入訪談與問卷調查方式進行研究,目的是以目前FOSMIS資訊系統精進專案,探討此系統對專案管理相關效益評估之研究,以確認中科院發展之FOSMIS資訊系統能被軍種接受,進而適用於中科院未來推動各類國防武器系統專案管理之用。 研究發現; 一、對FOSMIS資訊系統整體滿意度達81.35%,表示軍種認同中科院持續發展後續維持資訊系統。 二、管理單位中之軍、士官因均係由基層歷練後調昇至目前職位,故相當重視維修經驗之傳承,對於資訊系統輔助管理部份,需求相當強烈。 三、管理階層對系統的需求較連隊需求高,許多分析結果,可做為未來管理單位決策之依據,而目前各軍種缺乏各類後勤分析功能之資訊系統(輔修部份)。 四、使用單位中,位於外島或本島愈南部,交通愈困難、與中科院距離愈遠之單位,對系統需求愈強烈。 五、以對系統個別滿意度分析:就FOSMIS資訊系統中4項精進系統而言,以智慧型故障診斷系統及智慧型保修系統滿意度較高,其次為RAM分析系統。對智慧型故障診斷系統雖各連之間無顯著差異,但各單位對本系統認同度均高於其他系統。 研究建議; 一、經研究調查發現,因軍種對本系統需求及滿意狀況顯著,FOSMIS資訊系統整體的開發、建置、整合應繼續進行。 二、開發、建置、整合進行時,隨時分階段與軍種溝通,並繼續對軍種作問卷調查,隨時修正設計方向,讓軍種有參與感同時滿足各軍種真正之需求。 三、以中科院對軍種人員技術培訓時、或做技術轉移時,建議以常備役軍、士官為優先,而義務役之軍、士官派職以系統化操作及易替代性職務為主。 四、中科院對軍種技術輔導支援方面,應多安排南部連隊及外島連隊次數,以提昇該連隊裝備妥善率。 五、建議後續研究考慮亦針對中科院研發人員做調查,以使FOSMIS資訊系統能符合國軍後勤各項支援需求。 關鍵詞:CALS(軍備壽期資訊管理)、後續維持管理資訊系統(FOSMIS)、專案管理、效益評估


Abstract FOSMIS is the information management system based on the fundamental strategy of CALS. It is an information management system for CSIST developed weapon system after it has deployed to the military force. The FOSMIS information management system provided the CSIST and the military force which operate the weapon system, the necessary information need to sustain the system. The objective of the FOSMIS is using the minimum maintenance cost to keep the weapon system in best performance, during the period the system is deployed to the military force. FOSMIS is Web-Based multi-layered distributed information processing system. The system is designed to use the CSIST’s CITIS web site as the entry point, interface with each individual military force’s logistic management system, to collect and transfer their supply and maintenance information. FOSMIS is a consumer relationship management oriented information system , it is not only with project management function but also it is tailored for each individual force’s special application requirements. The person we interviewed and asked questions about in this research report are targeted at the technicians and management personal whose job functions are weapon system maintenance. The purpose of this report is to improve the current operation version of FOSMIS system. The FOSMIS is not only can provide the weapon system service analytic data and maintenance information, but also can monitor the weaponry system service status and manage effectively. In order to make sure the FOSMIS system can be widely accepted and used by military force,we make a lot of improvements according to the customer satisfaction survey analysis and the effectiveness evaluation of the FOSMIS system to the project management .We hope in the future, the FOSMIS system can be used on project management for various weapon system development. Research Discovery : 1.Survey shows the total satisfaction about the FOSMIS information management system is 81.35%, it means that continuously developing FOSMIS by CSIST is widely accepted by military force. 2.The senior officers of the logistic administration management are promoted from the basic logistic units , they are very appreciated about the continuity of valuable maintenance experience , they have immediately need for information system to aid management. 3.The FOSMIS system is much needed in the management level than the basic operational level , the analysis result of this system could be used as input information for further decision making. 4.For those user units (located outside the island or on the southern part of Taiwan), due to the traffic difficulty and the support distance between them and CSIST , they are in urgent need for FOSMIS system to help. 5.Survey of the FOSMIS system shows that about those 4 improvement subsystem : the intelligent diagnostic subsystem and intelligent maintenance have the highest score followed by the RAM analysis subsystem . Research Recommendation : 1.The research result shows that the FOSMIS is widely accepted by military force and is urgently needed by military force for their logistic management . The development , installation and integration of the FOSMIS information system shall progress continuously. 2.In order for the FOSMIS system can be accepted by military force and let the military force participate and joint development in this program . During each step of the development , installation and integration of FOSMIS system , CSIST shall continuously communicate with the military force for their input and feedback to adjust direction of the system development. 3.For the technical training and technology transfer , the first priority shall be the voluntary officer and sergeant than the obligatory officer and sergeant. 4.For the technical supporting to the basic operation units , shall pay more visit to those units located outside the island or on the southern part of Taiwan, in order to keep those unit’s equipment in constant readiness. 5.For continuous study of this subject , the survey shall include the CSIST research and development personnel , to make sure the FOSMIS information system is indeed meet the military force’s various logistic demands.


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