  • 學位論文


The Study of the Virtual Reality of the Cyber Cafe

指導教授 : 陳其澎


網路資訊的發明使人類知識的傳遞產生重大變革在現今已是普遍的認識,但是虛擬實境的發展與導入,連帶地使人們生活也受到影響;網咖的興起即是一例。而網咖在網際網路上原本的應用功能也漸漸演化為多元,不再只是人們利用來尋找資訊或單純收發電子訊息郵件而已,它不僅成了資訊站、遊戲站、交友談天站,也是論壇與競賽站,更是e世代的學習站,使得網咖成為綜合性的休閒場所。而網咖之所以迷人是因為他創造了虛擬空間,提供人們一種後現代的生活態度,亦即不再主張自我的統整與一致性,在網路視窗中其間並不存在層級的隸屬,或相互比對與確認關係。而網路遊戲也容許個人在這虛擬空間中,有前所未有的自由度來扮演各式各樣的角色與他人互動。個人一方面藉著網路的隔離,隱藏部分或全部真實世界的身份,在這虛擬空間中找到自己的定位,重新塑造一個或多重的角色的自我。也因為網路的匿名特性,讓人在這虛擬的空間中尋找到比真實世界的更具安全感的地方,讓使用者恣意發掘那真實世界中缺少的那部分,在虛擬互動中自我認同。 本研究概述近年網咖崛起的意涵及起源,將網咖的社會功能與網路空間的分析歸類。聚焦探討網咖的使用族群與網路社會的互動,以現今的網咖店來探討網路虛擬空間的應用與影響,網咖的休閒與遊戲及網路空間的虛擬場所與網路上的駭客虛擬犯行,並詳列網咖的歷史與型態。本研究以實際參與設計營運的經驗,造訪網咖業者與使用者並透過文獻資料整理,透過實例與經營及使用者狀況來檢視網路科技虛擬空間與人類自我認知之間的關係。當電腦技術全面提升至虛擬實境的空間後,對生命的本質提出新的看法,並探討人與機器間的差異與人類自身的的自我認知問題。


It is widely accepted that the invented computer network had led to significant transformations of information transmission. The living pattern is being changed under the effects of invading and expanding virtual reality. The prevailing cyber cafe is a representative example. The Internet-related applications of cyber cafes are being multiplied, no more just proving functions for information collections or e-mail communications. Nowadays, the individual cyber cafe is a commercial point for information, game, chat, social interaction, forum, competition and E-generation’s school. Transforming to a composite attraction is happening on cyber cafe. The success of cyber cafe is contributed to the virtual space it provides, in which postmodernism dominates user’s attitude toward life, insistence on integrated and consistent ego is defeated, and, hierarchical system, master-slave relationship, mutual comparison and identification cease its existence under the narrow screen windows. Cyber-games confer the users unprecedented freedom for various role-playing and social interactions. The identity of cyberspace surfers is either partially or totally hidden in isolated Internet world, where they are decentered self, playing one or more roles. The anonymous cyberspace provides users opportunity to find out sites they feel more comfortable, to explore pseudo-real unknown, and to establish self-recognition through virtual interactions. This study discusses recent transformation of cyber cafe, including it’s origin, functions and implications as well as cyberspace classification, particularly the characteristics and social interactions of cyber cafe users. The Internet-related applications and resulting effects of cyber cafe, including the abnormal behaviors of consumers as well as social behaviors of Internet hobbyists and hackers, are explored, in addition to detailed descriptions of history and type of cyber cafe. The study consisted of personal involvement of design, field visits of managers and users of cyber cafes as well as reviews of literature, trying to unveil the relationship between Internet technology, virtual reality and user’s identification through the findings from about cases, managers and users. As IT technology is bringing human to a world that is created and sustained by virtual reality and cyberspace, different new concepts toward essence of life are emerging. Therefore, the differences between human and machinery as well as self-perception issues are also discussed. In the conclusion section, recommendations for future development of cyber cafe and researches are provided.


virtual reality online game Cyber Cafe cyberspace


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張喬婷(1997)《異質空間V.S.全視空間 認同與主題性浮現》,國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所碩士論文


