  • 學位論文


An Investigation into Constructing Theories of Persuasion for Event Marketing

指導教授 : 顧志遠


論文摘要 其實在社會科學的領域中,幾乎所有的理論及學者都在研究態度對行為的影響,因此不管在行銷學、管理學、傳播學、心理學、社會學、教育學、廣告學中都用不同的角度在研究一個最基本的核心問題,就是如何說服他人,然後將錢賺入自己的口袋。關於「說服理論」,從消費者研究到傳播研究,選舉民意調查或市場佔有率調查,共同研究的是,如何打開那一道消費者心中的黑箱子,因為誰能說服別人,誰就能夠賺入花花的鈔票,雖然如此,所有的說服理論都沒有研究到一些弔詭,例如保險公司請一名形象正面且知名的偶像明星代言商品,然後根據民意調查得知消費者對該代言人的代言感覺十分正面,有百分之九十九的潛在消費者覺知該企業良好形象,但是該公司並沒有做到那些人的生意;或是可能花了千百萬元,製作了上帝與撒旦對奕的廣告,得到百分之九十九的公眾注意到保險的重要,但因此而成交的比率可能只增加百分之五,在以往的研究中,都是假定態度會影響行為,但是態度與行動當中的差距,其差距是那些原因來構成?人為什麼不會去做自己認同的事?為什麼談到保險?多數的消費者都會「斬釘截鐵」的說保險很重要,但是在購買保險時卻會採取「迴避」的行動? 本論文認為下面假設是說服理論中不可或缺的因素,也是本文的必備綱要: 1、 態度認同到最終行動間必有一道「思慮黑箱子」的存在,這道黑箱子會改變「最初的態度」。 2、 同意、不同意固然是一種態度,但是無所謂的態度也應該是態度的一種,本文稱「忽略」。 3、 說服中,必然有沉默的態度與發言的態度,因此大約可知態度與意見的差別。 4、 說服中,客觀上感覺有效用的資訊在主觀上不一定有效果,或者可以說,傳播者看來有客觀效用的促銷訊息在使用者的主觀上不一定有效果。主觀的感覺受到個人過去認知的影響。 5、效用是指使用者的主觀評價,效果是傳播者的主觀評價;反之,效用是指傳播者的客觀評價,效果是使用者的客觀評價。傳播者與使用者在資訊交流中攻防,因立場互異而觀點互異。因此本論文為明顯區分兩者不同,而將「效用」與「效果」明確劃分。 5、 說服中,必然包含媒介面、社會面、個人面三種,每個面都有數千個變數互相影響。 6、 說服中,縱然有數千個變數互相影響,但可以經由兩點以上的接點去測量推測黑箱的運作。 7、 說服中,事件本質的重要程度,決策壓力的大小程度對說服力的演變速度必然是關鍵因素。 8、 被說服與不被說服是一種態度,反說服也是一種不被說服的態度,忽略是一種無關要緊的態度,本論文中將忽略界定為「不被說服也沒有反說服的一種態度」,因此忽略就是不關心。 9、在說服中,訊息來源是多元的,故訊息有中心路徑與邊緣路徑兩種,且不同於正式非正式來源,前者是指對資訊使用者察覺線索的來源,故前者已包括後者,後者本論文當變數處理。 10、本論文強調的理論建構能運用在保險業、傳銷業及各種行業上,使理論能夠運用到商業活動之上,故另配合個案研究驗證理論模式。 本論文以議題生命週期與生生不息的系統觀念,將事件行銷中產生的要項,逐一對照的放入研究架構中,以文獻探討的方式來達成探索性研究的目的,並先推論出其架構圖意函,未來更深入的研究待進入博士班後再繼續探討。本文將議題重要性區分為媒介議題、公眾議題、政策議題三層次,將決策的壓力程度分為廠商的獨白、雙方協商、雙方談判三個層次,並使用「電流計」的觀念,指出電壓大小;使用「電壓計」的觀念,指出電流方向。電流大小受到分流的影響;電壓是相對與比較後產生高電壓端流向低壓端。有關電學與邏輯設計,是本論文的先備知識之一,並整合行銷學、管理學、傳播學、心理學、社會學、教育學、廣告學等理論完成這本研究說服/忽略/反向思考的「正反」、「反正」、「都很正」的探索性研究。


Abstract: In fact, in the field of social science, almost all theoreticians and academics study the effect of attitude on behavior, so whether in marketing, management, broadcasting, psychology, sociology, education, or advertising, the same basic central question is how to persuade people, and how to turn this into profit. Regarding theories of persuasion, from consumer research to broadcasting research, from election polls to market position ratio studies, the common theme is how to open the black box inside the head of the consumer, because whoever can persuade other people can make a lot of money. Despite this, no research into persuasion theory has yet found this key, for example, ING Insurance hired a famous personality with a good image to represent their projects, and according to opinion polls, consumers had a very positive reaction to him, with 99% of potential customers having a good impression of the company, however, ING Insurance did not win the custom of these people. A company can spend millions on producing an advertising campaign which attracts the attention of 99% of the public to the key points of their insurance, but this possibly translates into only a 5% increase in sales. In past research, the assumption has been that attitudes affect behavior, but what causes the gap between attitude and action? Why don’t people do what they think is right? What does this have to do with insurance? Why do most consumers acknowledge the importance of insurance but change their minds when it comes to actually purchasing coverage? This paper argues that the following assumptions from persuasion theory cannot be ignored: 1. The path from initial acceptance to final non-action must be blocked by a ‘cognitive black box’ which alters the original attitude. 2. Agreement and disagreement are both attitudes, but the dominant attitude is ambivalence. 3. In persuasion, there will be silent attitudes and affirmative attitudes, so it should be possible to judge the difference between attitudes and ideas. 4. In persuasion, information that, subjectively speaking, is effective may not be effective from an objective point of view. In other words, information that in the objective opinion of the broadcaster is useful may be useless in the subjective eyes of the user. This is the effect of subjective opinions and influences on objective feelings. 5. ‘Effectiveness’ can refer to the objective assessment of the user, and ‘results’ can refer to the subjective assessment of the broadcaster. Alternatively, ‘effectiveness’ can refer to the objective assessment of the broadcaster, and ‘results’ can refer to the subjective assessment of the user. Therefore, this paper makes a clear distinction between the two, and gives a precise definition of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘results’. 6. Persuasion necessarily involves three facets: the media, society, and the individual, each of which contains thousands of interrelated factors. 7. In persuasion, although there are thousands of interrelated factors, two or more points can be taken to examine the workings of the black box. 8. In persuasion, the essential importance of an event and the amount of pressure on the decisions making process have an fundamental role in determining the strength and longevity of persuasion. 9. Being persuaded and not being persuaded are attitudes, and resisting persuasion is an attitude of not being persuaded. Neglect is a non-caring attitude. This paper defines neglect as an attitude of not being persuaded yet not resisting persuasion, thus neglect is not caring. 10. In persuasion, there are various sources of information, the main route of information has two sub-streams, distinguished as formal and informal, the former refers to sources of information used to check the facts, and the former includes the later. The later is treated as a variable in this paper. 11. The theories developed in this paper are applicable to the insurance, marketing, and other industries. In combination with other relevant research and models, these theories can be applied to commercial activities. This paper is based on well-founded ideas and systems, and achieves its research goals by examining key items of event marketing with comparative research methods, in-depth discussion, and investigative research methods. First a structural graph is proposed, which will be further researched and discussed during and after the author’s doctoral studies. This paper classifies important issues into three levels of: media issues, general public issues, and political policy issues. The pressures of decision-making are divided into the three areas of product individuality, joint negotiations, and joint talks. The paper also uses the concepts of the ‘ammeter’, which measures voltage, and the ‘voltmeter’, which measures the direction of the current. The size of the current is influenced by dividing the flow, and voltage is the difference between the flow from a high voltage terminal to a low voltage terminal. The logical design of electronics is basis of this paper’s knowledge, which unifies studies in marketing, management, broadcasting, psychology, sociology, education, advertising, and other theories, completing the paper’s investigative research study on persuasion, neglect, and thinking against the steam. These digrams construct a system: all theories in related fields can be organised and proved in these diaprams . Further more , we could take use of these concepts to creat active thinking and then bring up the theory of improvement. For instance :Considering the interaction between human and circumstances ; the theories which are used to explain the relationship of human and media , building up the original frame. The signal contact Inner Circle with Outer Circle : After thinking over the effects of persuade ,we find out that ther aareadee are three kinds of effects(Being persuaded / Ignoring /Persuading ) ,and then we found that trust and doubt may exist at the same time .In order to express the characteristics of the existences of conflict which means that believe might not real believe , agreement may not real agreement anymore.Therefore,we take inner circle represents positive position and out.ceingghg circle to stand for negative attitude . Here we are take circle to stand for the development and changing of events which are totally a brekthrough and a brand new innovate.


3. Vincent Mosco (1998) 《The Political Economy of Communication》Pro-Ed Publishing Company。
6. Gerbner G.(1956)《Toward a general model 》Communication Revivw。
1. 卡普費雷(法文)Jean-noel kapfere(1992)《謠言Rumeure》editiom du seuil(法文)。/P.80文


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