  • 學位論文


Model of Business Strategy for the Industry of Heavy Metal Sludge Disposal

指導教授 : 李國瑜


重金屬污泥屬於有害事業廢棄物,在廢棄物處理中佔很重要的一部份,由於國內欠缺與重金屬污泥處理產業經營相關的研究,不僅產業的資料相當地有限,這個產業長時間以來一直有著很濃厚的神祕色彩,也使外界對於這個產業常有許多的誤解及負面的看法。 重金屬污泥處理產業因有特定法規管理,進入的門檻與方式與其它產業相當不同,並與政府有很明顯密切的互動。由於它扮演支援其它產業發展的角色,在整體發展過程中需要兼顧社會成本,雖然只是環保產業中的一個次產業,如何使國內重金屬污泥處理業的健全發展,一直是政府與社會所關切的話題。 本研究希望能對國內重金屬污泥處理產業的生態做深入的了解,將國內重金屬污泥處理業以策略群組之方式,分別探討各群組之經營策略模式,群組內廠商跨入其它群組時的移動方式,界定不同群組間的移動障礙。 重金屬污泥的需求量是隨著國內產業的發展而成長,國內廠商外移至中國大陸已成為主要趨勢,造成重金屬污泥處理的需求量下降,再加上法規變化快速,讓重金屬污泥處理廠商面臨許多的考驗,各群組面臨著不同的問題,分析重金屬污泥處理產業的主要趨勢,不同的策略群組在此趨勢下的因應策略與未來走向。 重金屬污泥處理產業過去甚少文獻所論及,期望對後續研究者有拋磚引玉之效,對產業界及主管機關作為未來經營架構和產業輔導之參酌。


Currently in Taiwan, researches pertaining to the business operation of industry for heavy metal disposal is very short, very little information concerning this filed is unveiled, that is why it has been regarded as a mysterious industry all the time and the public has many misunderstandings and negative viewpoints against this industry. Since special laws & regulations have been enacted to govern the industry of heavy metal sludge disposal, its entry barriers and modes are quite different from other industries. It has a conspicuous and close interaction with the Government. In light of the role it plays to support the development of another industries together with the social cost taken into account within the overall process of development as a sub-industry in the environment protection industry, how to make a well-organized development for the industry of heavy metal sludge disposal is a topical subject deeply concerned by the government and society. This research intends to learn an in-depth comprehension with regard to the domestic industry of heavy metal sludge disposal, apply an approach of strategic group to segment the companies of heavy metal sludge disposal with their strategy modes of business operation and strategic implications on management surveyed respectively, and try to find out why each group behaves so differently with one another under an identical environment of competition. Also demarcate the mobility barrier and threshold for each group. The demand volume of heavy metal sludge increases as the domestic industries develop. It is a main trend for domestic manufacturers to move their factories to Mainland China that leads to a declining demand of volume for the disposal of heavy metal sludge. Furthermore, companies of heavy metal sludge have suffered many difficulties left by a prompt change of legislation. Analyze the future development of each group under the major trend and the countermeasures for different strategic groups to cope with the trend. Exploiting the operating modes and developing trends of the groups in the industry, the research hopes to contribute valuable references to individuals or peer-companies who are interested.


