  • 學位論文


Financial Reporting and Analysts' Forecasts

指導教授 : 林維珩


摘 要 在證券市場蓬勃發展下,分析師所扮演的角色日益重要,其盈餘預測也逐漸受到投資人所重視。而基本分析的目的在找尋公司的真實價值。本研究欲探知分析師預測與基本分析間的關連性,在台灣資本市場適用的情形。本研究係根據Lev and Thiagarajan(1993)與Abarbanell and Bushee(1997)選出9項財務報表基本分析指標來探討我國資本市場中分析師財務預測誤差與該指標間的關聯性。此外,隨著經濟結構的改變,財務報表的攸關性的下降是否與分析師預測誤差有關聯也是本研究探討的目標。本文的研究問題如下: 1.財務報表中的基本指標與分析師的預測是否具有關聯性? 2.從分析師的角度,探討有盈餘管理的公司之財務報表的有用性是否降低? 3.從分析師的角度,探討無形資產比重較高公司,其財務報表的有用性是否降低? 4.從分析師的角度,探討負盈餘公司財務報表的有用性是否降低? 本研究利用迴歸分析來檢視分析師預測與財務報表基本分析指標間的關連性。此外,本研究分別將全部的樣本分為盈餘管理程度大小、無形資產高低、正負盈餘等組別,來探討分析師財務預測誤差與財務報表基本分析指標間的關連性。其實證結果如下: 1.分析師財務預測誤差與基本分析指標中的應收帳款、備抵呆帳、資本支出有顯著的相關。 2.在盈餘管理高低分組下,89年盈餘管理程度高的公司中,分析師預測誤差與基本分析的關聯性較盈餘管理程度低的公司高,而90年度與全部樣本中,在盈餘管理程度低的情況下,其分析師財務預測誤差與基本分析的關聯性較盈餘管理程度高情況下高。 3.此無形資產高低組別下,89年度、90年度與全部樣本中,無形資產高的樣本公司之分析師預測誤差與基本分析的關聯性較無形資產低的樣本公司高。 4.正負盈餘的分組樣本中,89年度、90年度、與全部樣本中,負盈餘的樣本公司之分析師預測誤差與財務報表基本分析的關聯性較正盈餘樣本公司來的高。


Abstract This study examines the relations between financial reporting and analysts’ forecasts. In examining the relations between financial reporting and analysts’ forecasts, this study uses the fundamental signals of financial statement from Lev and Thiagarajan(1993) and Abarbanell and Bushee(1997). This study also examines that financial statement information has lost its relevance in recent years. The study has four objectives. First, examining the significance of the fundamental signals of financial statement in explaining analysts’ forecasts. Second, the financial statement information for the firms with earning management have lost its relevance. Third, the financial statement information for the firms with high intangible assets have lost its relevance. Fourth, the financial statement information for the firms with negative earnings assets have lost its relevance. This study uses regression analysis to examine the relations between financial reporting and analysts’ forecasts. The empirical results are as follows: 1. Analysts’ forecasts have significance relations with some fundamental signals of financial statement. 2. The relations between financial reporting and analysts’ forecasts for higher earning management firms are better than that for lower earning management firms for samples in 2000. The relations between financial reporting and analysts’ forecasts for lower earning management firms are better than that for higher earning management firms for samples in 2001 and the full sample. 3. The relations between financial reporting and analysts’ forecasts for higher intangible assets firms are better than that for lower earning management firms. 4. The relations between financial reporting and analysts’ forecasts for the firms with negative earnings are better than the firms with positive earnings.


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