  • 學位論文


The Poetic Meaning of Architecture-by Application of Daylight

指導教授 : 黃承令


建築中之詩意-以陽光的應用為例 私立中原大學建築學系碩士學位論文 指導教授:黃承令 研究生:彭仁怡 民國九十二年七月 陽光本身可透過人為的因素以無形的型態存在,亦可以有形的型態存在。早期由於人類對於陽光的出現處在不可知的知識範圍,將它歸於大自然亦或是精神層面的象徵,給于它生活性,意義性乃象徵性的意義,並遵行它的運作,但在十七世紀科學革命後,人類對光的了解與運用有了更深刻的了解,並且出現人工光源的應用,陽光除了提供視覺的照明外,更是以多角度的面貌呈現在建築的空間中。 在本論文中,筆者試著以陽光應用的角度,透過建築來探討隨著地理環境,構造技術及空間情境,建築意義,內部空間與外部空間連接關係中之思維態度為何。並從陽光的的角度來討論如何去創造空間中詩的情境,不僅停留在環境配置的大範圍中,被視作習以為常的作法忽略之,或成為照明下的衍生品,甚少深刻思考當自然光與室內空間碰觸時所展現的內涵。 本研究則將分為幾個面向來探討陽光如何應用於建築中,以及它隨著時代的演變,社會背景的不同所代表的含意為何,並輔以前人在思考陽光與建築關係的案例加以說明如下: 一、 在第二章部份以光與建築空間的屬性,予以定義出光的情境說法。此章節中隱約可看出影響當時時代背景中主流價值,並以宗教性的光、寰宇性的光與地域性的光說明著西方建築史發展的三大階段,可清楚看出同一時期當時人如何思考光與建築,亦可透過同一建築類型,前人與後人如何來對待光與空間的連繫。 二、 第三章則以光與建築構造之間如何相互的發展。採取相對性、辯證式來作說明,藉以突顯各自的差別之處。同樣在不同構造行為的比較之下,陽光如何透過與建築之間互動來來彰顯出空間中詩的情境。 三、 第四章則落實到建築的實際層面,即光與建築環境的關係。在此主要以建築的外部環境為論點,從陽光本身的特性與周遭環境及採光的方式來說明外部環境與內部空間的關連性,試圖探討不同環境中的光與空間表達的深層意義與功能。 關鍵字:陽光(自然光)、空間情境、光與影。


Abstract The Poetic Meaning of Architecture-by Application of Daylight Master thesis of Department of Architecture of Chung Yuan Christian University July, 2003 By Jen-Yi, Peng Thesis Adviser:Associate Professor Huang Cheng-Ling The daylight an exist by visible and invisible through man-made in antiquity, the human can’t understand about sun’s phenomenon meaning, therefore belong to concluding it natural that they can’t know it sun’s motion of live and signify. Since scientific innovation on seventeen century, the human can more understand and use from daylight. After that, the artificial light to be invention. The daylight can see anything by myself. Besides, it cans mult-faced expression among architecture. In thesis, the author base on sun’s application to discuss how to connect internal space and external environment through construction, space imagination and architecture’s meaning. Furthermore it’ll discuss how to create a like poetic space imagination by daylight not only think about site plan of architecture, but more think daylight and space relationship. The thesis will show daylight how to use among architecture from some way. And it has different meaning accord to every social condition. It will explain relationship between daylight and architecture through case study. Base on above, the author simple show three points about this thesis as follows: 1. Chapter2 discuss attribution of space by daylight what it has three steps regional light, university light and regional light. We can observe diffident age and designer how to treat daylight and architecture relationship when it belong to same type of architecture. 2. Chapter3 main discuss the relationship between daylight and construction. The different construct system how to create like poetic space by daylight. And different structure how to effect the architecture’s internal space. 3. Chapter4 base on architecture’s external environment to discuss daylight and space. Try to research external environment and internal space through sun’s basic characteristics and discovery it more deeper meaning. keyword:daylight、space imagination、light and shadow


light and shadow daylight space imagination


Robert Mark Editor
Charles Jencks著,王錦堂譯
Willy Boesiger著 ,謝立元譯


